I got two amazing awards…one Lovely Blog Award from Rakshanda of chamber of beauty and one Stylish Blogger Award from Pooja of musings of a novice.
So here I have to do 3 things..
1. Thank d person who gave me d award..thank u pooja…
2. Tell 7 facts about urself
3. Pay it forward to 7 bloggers you adore and contact them to let them know they’ve been chosen.
7 facts about me…
1. I love my mom a lot and cant live without her…n whatever I am is all coz of her…
2. I am very lazyyyyy….
3. I have specs but wear lenses whenever I am going out…n as I said I am lazy I sometimes sleep with my lenses..though not for long and I know its bad but I am tooo tired sometimes…
4. I loveeee dancing….music on and dance steps on in my mind…but I am not very comfy dancing when someone’s watching…though I have shed that inhibition a bit..may take sum more time…
5. I am always wearing my kajal or khol…and you would not see me without it
6. I am super tensed and super nervous before exams n presentations n stuff….n whenever I have to go on stage…I go totally cold at that time..but once its over..I am relaxed…
7. I am a big time foodie and I love all the spicy stuff…:)
N d 7 bloggers whom I pass both these awards to are :
1. Tanveer from Addicted to blush (You where the first blogger I religiously followed everyday and then came to know bout other blogs thereon..I love the way you review products in detail)
2. Anamika from Wise She (Her site is full of herbal remedies and all the useful gyaan)
3. HD from bombay beauty (We both have similar choices and both are new at blogging)
4. Poornima from GGG ( She’s super sweet)
5. Rashmi from indyabeauty (Our very own MAC guru…you can contact her if u need any info or advice relating to MAC..)
6. Shivani of Adorable on ur vanity (She is a blush fan and loves her MAC blushes toooo much)
7. CZ of indian vanity case (Ohh…she’s super stylish and super sexy)
Thank you Pooja and Rakshanda…
And people I have forwarded both these awards too..don’t forget to forward them ahead….
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