I had told you guys about the three shades I won in naming a nail paint here..
One of the three was Antique..its a shimmery purply rust shade..has lots of silver shimmer..
It dries to a matte finish.
Though I am not a fan of shimmer..I loved the whole look of this color..and I am so loving the shade..I keep on adoring it :p :p
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I named a Nail Paint !!!
omg this is such a pretty shade! Very disco :P! You nails are so shapely and beautiful!
LOVE the shiny nail paint!
And damn! your nails are so fab! 
lovely shade bhumika……finally cud post!!
awesome bhumika
pretty shade…looks good on you…
looks pretty on ur pretty pretty hands!!
Great shade! I love it!
so pretty shade!!!!
@ankita: ya I loved the shimmery purply grey it has..I love ur nails more

@shreya: thank u
@shivani: Thank u..ya finally u cud..great

@rekha,sahar,pooja,sarah,megha: Thank u