This post brought to you by Hpnotiq. All opinions are 100% mine.
“Primp and Prep” with your girls is all about getting ready before hitting the town in style! “Who’s wearing what?” “Can I borrow some makeup?” “Those earrings look fab!” “Oh, turn this song up, it’s my jam!” This is the calm before you and your girls take the clubs by storm. Primp & Prep! is an exclusive online site on, one stop shop, where girls can go to get all of their beauty, fashion, style tips, gossip, music etc. before they hit the town for their girl’s night out.
Primp & Prep centers around when young women get together with their girlfriends to get together for a night out.
Hynotiq image
– One stop hub on Hpnotiq’s website that promotes the following:
• Great at home cocktails and drink recipes.
• Style, fashion and beauty tips: Our target of 21-25 year old
women aspire to look and feel like celebrities when they go out,
i.e. Kelly Rowland, Blake Lively, etc.
• Music: Music and dancing is a big part of the Hpnotiq
consumer’s lifestyle. Primp & Prep will include a Pandora music
player for them to listen to popular dance
songs while getting ready to go out.
• Guys: The site will also feature tips on how to catch the
attention of the hottie across the bar , what to do / what not to
do, etc.
My favorite is Blue Breeze
We have sexy outfit ideas to how to get your favorite celeb’s makeup and right nail paint color according to sunsign, 5 shoes you need, how not to approach guys, short all the things a girl wants to know..
Check out the site..
P.S: You must be 21 years or older to drink alcoholic beverages and as always, please remember to drink responsibly
Happy New year!!! I’m def going to check out the site…
Happy New Year..let us know how you find it..