Easy to carry these tins..they shut tight..and they do not spill or open up..travel friendly..I like the dispensor at the corner..
Best part is..its sugar free..so those on a diet or even the elders who have a diabetes issue, can have these without worries..unlike those sugar loaded gums and mints..
After the mint-o Gol and mint-o Fresh which come in as individual single packs..these are much more convenient..and can be shared too 😀
And you do need extra mints in your bag when at office..for the times you are feeling extra sleepy or have had onion or garlic in your lunch..:p

These are not that strong though they claim to be…but I like it this way..and for those, like me who cannot bear those super strong mints..this is the best option.
Ingredients are Sorbital, Magenesium Stearate and Sucralose..with flavors of menthol and peppermint..as you can see no added sugars or artificial colors or flavors..sometimes those artificial colors or flavors also infect the throat..
Chic and stylish case..mild but nice mint..made from pure menthol and peppermint essential oil..these are quite economical, travel friendly, easily available..and perfect..
Cute stuff!