Today, he says that when he saw me, he knew he’d marry me, but I never knew that, until after quite some time of being with him when his persistence paid off.

It’s so much more fun than I ever thought it would be. Every single day I have fun with Hardik. And I laugh. I have so much respect for him and who he is as a person. He comes to life with such integrity and honesty. Neither of us like drama. But we’ve had a lot of different challenges and had to figure out how to navigate them together. Different cultures, different perspectives on life & career, different personalities, all those difficult situations.
January 2009
I was studying to become a Chartered Accountant. I used to regularly visit online CA students forums to update myself on what was happening in the profession.
There was this one guy, Hardik, his display picture was probably taken when in college, long hair, looked like a street thug to me.
Why do such people even enter this white collar profession, I wondered. There he was, showing off his aggressiveness and blunt thoughts in front of thousands of people on a forum, passing bold statements against governance, exam results, subjects and everything else.
June 2010
But then one day, on 14 June 2010, our paths did cross. Coincidence? I think not. Little did I know when I woke up that morning, that my life was about to be turned upside down. Truth be told, if I had registered for GMCS (that’s a 15 day program supposed to help CAs with their people skills) an hour late, Hardik and I would have never met. My life would be drastically different right now. Funny how the smallest little decisions and changes of course can alter the entire plot of your life.
We were together for the 3 weeks. We talked for hours daily and I came to realize that he has this special thing going for me. But I was not sure. I didn’t reciprocate his feelings but I didn’t even reject them. Guys always fear of losing a friend if the romantic part of things didn’t pan out. But the rewards for Hardik seemed far greater than the risks. And I, conveniently, enjoyed his company. I also learnt that he was a huge fan of Akshay Kumar and action films. My earlier views about him changed, and how.
We became pretty close by the end of those 3 weeks, even though the relationship till this point was purely platonic. Classmates teased us as if we were a couple, which I guess we actually were.
July 2010
Hardik had opted to give his exams in November 2010. People usually study for six months straight but Hardik came with us on a one day trek to Kaneri caves, situated inside National Park, about 1500 feet above sea level. He is like that, carefree, didn’t take life very seriously and didn’t believe in giving up six precious months of his life studying for just one exam.
We reached there right on time by 08 15 am. It was raining the day before, due to which the path got very very slippery. We had 15 minutes to relax before we trek walk our way up to the highest point along a kutcha road ridden with pebbles and potholes.
I had never seen such wonderful scenery in my life, and was truly awed by its majesty. No photo could ever do it justice. I stood there in silence, silently whispered to Hardik – I want to stand on top of the hill today and enjoy the view. Hardik promised me that I will.
The gates opened at 08 30 AM and we started with all enthusiasm. Slightly more than half way through and I tripped. My right leg was hurting terribly. Thankfully, there weren’t any major cuts, only bruises. But the damn leg wouldn’t stop paining. On careful inspection, we figured that it is a sprain. WTF, I wondered. I so wanted to get up there. And now, I guess I would be heading back home all alone while these guys carry on.
But I was wrong, Nothing – not even the profound miracle of nature – compared with the display of selflessness and love exhibited by this man.
He stood by his promise like a rock, and threatened that he too would go back and not complete this trek without me. Hesitantly, I limped while he held my hands and we walked together for 30 mins till we reached the spot. I loved the fact that he stood with me, encouraged me and set a fine example of being together in challenging times.
It was 11 30 by the time we reached the top and caught up with the others. I could limp a little. I went to one side when no one was looking, because I wanted to cry. I cried a lot that day, and not because of the pain in my foot. Hardik saw me crying. He didn’t try to stop me or console me or even ask me why I was. He just understood. And you’re down with a sprain and messed up. But there it is.
And then, in that moment, in the middle of nowhere, you just know. And maybe it’s not even close to the fairytale you imagined. He’s not at all handsome, and he doesn’t give you goose bumps, and he certainly doesn’t fit in the word “sexy”. Hardik was the opposite of everything I was attracted to in a man—but even that didn’t make him any less appealing. He is blunt, has this typical desi boy like personality to him.
Out of nowhere, he came, wrapped his arms around me from behind and just held me there as we stood. I can’t explain it, but it just felt good. His hand ran through my hair, he held me onto him, my forehead resting perfectly onto his shoulder. He began to hym to me, softly and sweetly, the vibration from his throat lulling me to sleep. I closed my eyes for only a second, feeling his finger draw circles on my cheeks.
But I still wanted to fall in love like a princess, and Hardik seemed clueless about romance, till now. He never gave me any gift, no flowers, no surprises, no dinner, nothing.
Anyways, back to my broken leg. I managed to limp my way down and we finally made it till the National park gates. Now my place was 30 kms away. Hardik took me to a doctor who bandaged the sprain and assured me that it was nothing major.
Now for the second part, Hardik declared that he was going to drop me back home, on his bike. He rode 30 kms, already tired from the trek, braving the sporadic cold winds.
We reached home at around 15 30, and waved goodbye. No hugs, no kisses. Just a plain ‘Bye’ with a broken smile. The beauty of every moment we spent together had disappeared. Here is an insight into our minds or rather, hearts at that point, as we confessed later on to each other.
Hardik – Phew. That was quite a day. I am wondering what she is thinking of me. Am I just another guy who tried to flirt with her?
Me – We could have talked. Why did he have to leave quickly once we reached.
Hardik – Probably I should text her later on. I don’t have the guts to call her. She will probably disconnect the call.
Me – I would give anything to know what’s going on in his mind right now. I don’t know why I did that?
Hardik – I was so happy with her.
Me – I will drop in a text saying thanks, just for courtesy and gratitude.
Hardik- I ll just call and ask if she got home safe. (Never mind that I dropped her right till the gates, lol)
He did call me and asked me out for dinner that very day. I was ecstatic. I said yes instantly.
Me – I think I love him.
Hardik – I love her.
So I had my first date. I wore my favourite top and and he turned up in blue denims and white shirt. As we talked, I realized he knew a lot about me, my interests. He was indeed stalking me, my social media account, or getting info from my girlfriends, but it was very sweet. He denies that he ever did any of it. Either he’s lying, or he is God. Either way, it was perfect. I was confused as to whether he will propose or not.
But things really did not go as I had envisioned. Bad food, spat with the waiter over some random thing we found in the orange juice. The meal wrapped up, and I was feeling anxious. I had a feeling he wouldn’t propose under these imperfect circumstances, but I wasn’t sure!
So when we left after dinner, Hardik suggested we take a walk. Ya right. A walk, I thought to myself.
In the middle of the walk, Hardik stopped. My heart skipped a beat, and before I knew it, he was saying something about loving me a whole lot and wanting to spend the rest of forever with me, et cetera, et cetera. Honestly, and sadly, I might add, I don’t remember his exact words. It was a crappy proposal. No flowers, gifts, surprises, candles, getting down on the knees. He believes himself to be a hardcore leo, probably doesn’t believe in getting down on his knees. Even though I expected this proposal, I was still in some sort of weird shock. I didn’t reply anything. I just smiled and said ok. There could be problems, at home, I still was not sure of whether he was “The One”.
That night, we ended up talking on the phone, till 6 am, the other day. It was past midnight. Finally both of us were sort of feeling it. It was 5 45 in the morning, here goes our goodbye conversation;
Me – I am feeling sleepy. Lets call it a day (night, I meant).
Hardik – Just like that.
Me – What do you mean?
Hardik – Where is my goodbye kiss?
Me – What are you talking about Hardik. Where did this come from? Are you kidding with me?
Hardik – Absolutely not. Give me a kiss baby, over the phone.
I didn’t give him a kiss that night.
I thought of him while I was sleeping, and I realized that He is the One. And those 24 hours ended – My “Platinum day of Love”
November 2013
When you’re young, and you watch a lot of movies, there’s this unfortunate glamorization of relationships. We inherit the false idea that love is all it takes to make a relationship work. I can tell you it takes a lot more.
I looked in the mirror and there was nothing romantic looking back at me.
He is patient and kind.
He loves desi food. I love to indulge myself wherever I go
He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
He speaks his mind and is an extrovert. I am shy and take a lot of time getting to know people.
He is responsible, always ready to take up responsibility for my well being, for OUR future.
I prefer only the top rated movies. He will watch any movie.
He never gets angry on me, always ready to understand and listen with an open mind.
It will be 4 years in July 2014, shortly after which we plan to get married. He has promised to gift me a platinum set of jewellery, to celebrate the day which changed everything.
P.S: This is an entry to Platinum Day of Love Contest on Indiblogger
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