Book Review: Love @ Air Force by Gaurav Sharma
About the book : The violent romance of the Fighter planes with the clouds in sky… the pulchritudinous Officers walking around arrogantly… the runway with the logo constituted by the concentric tricolored circles in the background… is the spectacle meets our eyes at the feeble mention of the Air Force but there is more about the Air Force besides these…

This is Gaurav Sharma’s first book..and for the first time, he has done quite well..
The story is about two friends, Sushil and Shabd, and how they meet at the Air Force after 20 years..and how their lives get connected again..and then the 3rd friend Soumya enters co-incidentally who is also the love of Shabd’s life..though one known to him..
The entire journey is narrated through Sushil’s voice..each and every scene is described in such a way that the picture is crystal clear in front of your eyes..
There are few extra spaces at the start here and there..and also punctuation marks required. At few places, I felt some descriptions and paras added..were not required and took the scene to a different tangent.
But other than that, very well narrated and the story is etched quite nicely..and linked perfectly..
I loved reading it..and at 150 bucks, its quite worth it !
Highly recommend.
Have you read Love @ Air Force ?
Have you read Love @ Air Force ?
P.S: Sent for review but honest opinion.
I havenot read this! Currently reading Sudha Murthy! Will do a review soon 🙂
Hope you read my blog too! 🙂
Wow! I love the palette!! Nice and vibrant colors 🙂
Hope you read my blog too! 🙂
Even I got the same stuff bhumi 🙂
Even I got the exact same stuff!! I really liked the mask and moisturizer. Nice post 🙂