Category Archives: Nature’s Essence

Nature's Essence Diamond Bleach Review, Price, Buy Online

Nature’s Essence Diamond Bleach Review, Price, Buy Online

Nature’s Essence Diamond Bleach Review, Price, Buy Online

By Archana

Hi all,

After trying some of Nature’s Essence products and satisfied with it, I got their diamond bleach. In olden days, we just had regular bleaches. Now they have different variants like gold bleach, diamond bleach, fruit bleach, etc. I had already tried VLCC Diamond Bleach and loved it. So thought of giving Nature’s Essence Diamond Bleach a try. Read on to know my experience with it.

Nature's Essence Diamond Bleach Review, Price, Buy Online

Products claims: Nature’s Diamond Bleach Cream is formulated to give natural skin glow, improved texture and fairer complexion. Its active ingredients not only lighten the skin but also nourish it with goodness of nature. It blends facial hair, cleanses pores, removes impurities and fades facial blemishes from deep within makes your skin fairer & outshines as never before. It generates and allows enough penetration of oxygen into your skin and gives you diamond like radiance.

Key Ingredients:

Cream: Hydrogen Peroxide, Sunflower oil, Almond oil

Activator: Ammonium Bicarbonate

Price and quantity: Rs.65 for 43g (35g cream bleach, 8g activator powder) (BUY HERE)

Directions to use: Mix 2 spatulas of bleach cream and 2 pinches of activator powder together. Make sure the ratio is not less than 4(cream):1(activator). Keep stirring bleach cream and activator for 2 mins, till powder dissolves completely. Apply the mixture on desired areas. Avoid eye brows and area around eyes. Keep the mixture on skin for atleast 10-15 mins. Use normal water to clean.

Packaging: It comes in a white cardboard box, inside which there are two small plastic tubs. One contains the bleach cream and other contains the activator. The directions of use are all mentioned clearly in the outer packaging. There is no pre or post-bleach creams provided. A small plastic spatula is also provided. However, all these plastic spatulas, I usually find them very light and of less quality. So I end up using my own spoons. I wish they could give better quality spatulas with these creams.

Texture and fragrance: The cream is white in color with a mild fragrance. The activator powder smells strong as usual due to presence of ammonium bicarbonate. Reminds me of my chemistry lab sessions 😉

My experience:

I mixed the cream and activator powder in ratio 4:1. After mixing it thoroughly, I applied it on my face. There were some remaining and I applied on my foot as well to brighten it up :D. I waited for 10 minutes. And then washed it off. I didn’t face any irritation or breakouts. Nature’s Essence products I realize are generally milder than the other ones. After washing, my face felt clean and brighter. My foot which had lot of tan also was brightened to some extent. It also helped to lighten facial hair. One important thing to note while using bleaches is, always use it in the ratio mentioned and don’t exceed the mentioned time. Else you might end up with very lightened hair which doesn’t suit your skin tone and looks more visible.


* Gentle bleaching cream.

* Makes face clean and bright.

* Reduces tan to an extent.

* Affordable.


* Pre or post bleach cream not provided.

Rating: 4.2/5

Verdict: Nature’s Essence Diamond Bleach is an affordable and gentle bleaching option available. Compared to bleaches from other brands, this suits even sensitive skin and doesn’t cause any irritation or redness. So those who are interested in bleaching can give this a try.

Nature’s Essence Nourishing Neem & Aloe Vera Moisturizing Lotion Review

Nature’s Essence Nourishing Neem & Aloe Vera Moisturizing Lotion Review

By Nidhal

One is a saviour for those with dry, patchy, lustreless and dull skin. Another is a potent weapon to fight acne, pimples and blackheads. Their blend is bound to be promising for one’s skin. The first ingredient is Aloe vera (called Ghritkumaari and at times, Kumaari in Hindi) and the second is Neem. Do I need to elaborate even a little on the bounties of these two skin saviours? There would be few who’d not have tried either on their skin. If you are one of those, go grab a few leaves of Aloe vera and a handful of Neem leaves. Mash and treat your skin to their virtues to leave it thanking you.

However, if you are an indolent soul who would choose to watch whatever is being on TV than move a bit to grab the remote and change the channel, then doing the above (preparing the mask ) would surely be the last thing on your mind, right? 😛

So, let’s slather something that is made from these two skin saviours instead? In line with that thought, I zeroed in on NATURE’S ESSENCE NOURISHING NEEM AND ALOE VERA MOISTURISING LOTION one fine evening. Let us prepare its report card today.

PRICE –Rs 85/- for 60 ml

DIRECTIONS FOR USE- Gently apply the moisturiser in right quantity on face and body and welcome your skin to a world of nourishment and optimum care.

KEY/ACTIVE INGREDIENTS- Neem, Aloe vera extracts and aroma oil.

WHAT IT CLAIMS- A handpicked blend of antiseptic neem and nourshing aloevera extracts. Added aroma oils soothe the mind & body and give a nourishing treat to your skin.


Packed in a simple plastic tube with a cap on top, the packaging of NATURE’S ESSENCE NOURISHING NEEM AND ALOE VERA MOISTURISING LOTION is fine. It is spillage-free since the cap is sturdy, hygienic and travel-friendly. I do not have any problem with respect to packaging. It is up to the mark for me.

The texture of the lotion is underwhelming for me. It is predominantly runny which when applied on skin makes it oily/greasy. My skin type is dry and after applying a pea-sized amount of it, my skin felt uncomfortably oily. I have applied oils beforehand on my skin to moisturise them such as- extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, virgin sesame oil, etc. but none of them made me feel like a ‘pakora’ being drawn out from a ‘kadhaai’! I admit, I give ‘Desi’ examples to help people visualise things.

So, if a person with dry skin feels that it makes skin oily, there is little in fact no reason for people with oily/extremely oily skin to invest in it. The staying power too, is underwhelming. It stays for ½-1 hour at max at a stretch in summers. Naturally, during winters, when moisture levels will drop in the atmosphere and our skin’s thirst for hydration will augment by leaps and bounds, this lotion will turn out to be disappointing. The aroma is mild and temporary.

A major limitation is that its ingredients’ list hasn’t been furnished. Only key/active ingredients are mentioned which is highly irresponsible, evasive and negligent on part of Team Nature’s Essence. Rules and regulations regarding production and provision of information about herbal and natural products in our country are very lax. Companies milk this to their advantage by adding merely a few herbal ingredients/their extracts and marketing it as a ‘natural/herbal’ product. In this regard, I am sceptical of Nature’s essence too for it has also abstained from providing the complete list of ingredients.

Even if we keep this aspect aside for a minute, as a product it falls flat on nearly all parameters. Its texture, staying power and after-effects are nowhere commendable. Chuck it away! This one’s not worth your time and hard-earned money.


1. Fine packaging

2. Readily available

3. Available in different sizes

4. Price is budget-friendly

5. Aroma is mild hence, won’t irk those with a sensitive nose


1. Complete list of ingredients has not been furnished

2. Runny texture. Lotions should have a thick/creamy texture. If not, at least specify which skin type should opt for it.

3. Makes skin oily/greasy on application. Thus, unsuitable for oily/extremely oily skin type.

4. Does nothing commendable. No glow. No softness. No lustre.


Editor’s Note: Oh God, what a dud! Never going near it, thanks for the review Nidhal

Have you tried Nature’s Essence Nourishing Neem & Aloe Vera Moisturizing Lotion? If not, don’t!

Nature’s Essence Lacto Tan Clear Sun Tan Removal Review

Nature’s Essence Lacto Tan Clear Sun Tan Removal Review

By Archana

Hi all,

Summers are slowly starting and its already becoming very hot here in Bangalore. No matter what sunscreens and lotions we use, at times we get tanned badly when we are out in the sun for a very long time. Recently, I had been travelling to my aunt’s place where I spent a lot of time outdoors and hence got a very bad tan. I usually follow home remedies of besan, cucumber and lime to get rid of sun tan. But this time I was very busy in office with a project release and hence couldn’t spare time for it. I had read good reviews of this ‘Nature’s Essence Lacto Tan Clear Sun Tan Removal’ and decided to give it a try. Read on to know whether it is effective in removing sun tan.

Products claims: Milk proteins & honey enriched special tan cream helps remove the epidermal sun tan, thereby restoring the natural fairness of the skin & also preventing pigmentation due to harmful sun. Its matte effect is ideal for hot climates and the cream also helps enhance after facial glow.

Key Ingredients: Milk, honey and geranium oil.

Directions to use: Apply layer on the face/skin and keep it on for 10-15 min & after soft massage remove with water. Advised to be used every day to restore natural color & glow of the skin.

It comes in a yellow squeezable tube packaging with a flip-open cap very similar to the sunscreen from the same brand. Earlier it used to come in a tub packaging. But now they have revamped and come with this new tube packaging. Its better and convenient to be carried around easily.

Texture and fragrance:
It is a white-colored cream with a slight artificial fragrance. The texture is very smooth and looks very much like the bleach creams we get.

My experience:
For starters, this is neither a face pack nor a regular bleach which contains ammonia. It is actually very similar to the Spinz Sun Tan Remover which became quite popular last year. The creamy consistency makes it very easy to spread and apply. I leave it on for 15 minutes as mentioned. It causes a slight tingling sensation. I then wash it off. Since its very creamy and tends to stick, you need to massage slowly to remove it completely. After washing, I could see some of the tan, mostly the fresh tan, had been removed. But not completely. I kept using this alternate days and after 6-7 uses, almost 80% of the tan (even old tan which I had for a long time) had been removed and also lightened pigmentation and dark spots. Though its mentioned it can be used everyday, I thought it might be harsher and so went with alternate days. Skin does feel dry and stretchy post usage. So its necessary to follow up with a good moisturiser.

The efficacy of the product is really good but still I doubt whether just the key ingredients milk, honey and geranium oil can give this result. There must be lot of other chemicals added to give this effect. I felt the same with Spinz Sun Tan Remover. Actually that was even more powerful than this. It just needs 5 minutes of application and removes almost 80% tan in just a single use. And also makes your face so dry, stretchy and ghost-like. The unnatural effects of these creams makes me doubt whether it is safe to be used regularly. I would recommend using them only in rare occasions like before a party or after returning from a beach holiday with heavy tanning. Also, there is another variant in this ‘Nature’s Essence Lacto Bleach Tan Removal Cream‘. Am not sure what is the difference between them. When I looked at the key ingredients list, it was the same milk and honey, but instead of geranium oil, this one had lavender oil. Let me know if you would like a review on this as well.

* Removes tan and restores natural color of skin.
* Lightens pigmentation and dark spots.
* Can be used for hands, foot or anywhere on the body.
* Convenient, travel friendly packaging.
* Affordable.

* Dries out skin.
* Complete ingredients list missing.

Price and quantity: Rs.85 for 40g.

Rating: 4/5

Verdict: Nature’s Essence Lacto Tan Clear Sun Tan Removal is a quick, easy way to get rid of sun tan. Although, it is laden with chemicals and I would recommend to use only in rare situations when nothing else helps or you need instant results. Once you have managed to remove the tan, I would suggest to switch to home remedies or herbal face packs for regular maintenance.

Editor’s Note: I have used this and it works so well! It was the only product then that removed tan so quickly. Now we even have the Spinz Sun Tan Remover which does the job well, but still if you want a more natural version, then Nature’s Essence on is your best bet. Well reviewed Archana.

Nature’s Essence Sun Ban Sunscreen Lotion SPF-30 TPI-60 Review

Nature’s Essence Sun Ban Sunscreen Lotion SPF-30 TPI-60 Review

By Archana

Hi all,

Today, I am reviewing a sunscreen from the brand Nature’s Essence. They have a wide variety of products at very budget-friendly prices. All their products are made primarily with natural ingredients. This is possibly one of the cheapest sunscreens available in the market. Read on to know how the ‘Nature’s Essence Sun Ban Sunscreen Lotion SPF-30 TPI-60’ fares.

Products claims: SUNBAN is a moisturizing sun protection lotion which provides full spectrum protection to the skin from UV rays. The natural added extract protects the skin against suntan. Good for all skin types. Can be used on all skin types.

Key Ingredients: Aloevera juice, Turmeric extract, Basil Oil

Directions to use: Apply Sunban lotion on face, neck and other exposed parts of body before going out. Avoid contact with eye area.

Packaging: The sunscreen comes in a yellow squeezable tube packaging with a flip-open cap. Nothing fancy in the packaging but a basic functional one. Its convenient to be carried around in your handbag without any fear of leakage. But one thing though, the cap seems to be flimsy and it broke within few uses as you can see in the pics.

Texture and fragrance: The sunscreen is sandal-colored with a slightly thick and creamy consistency. It has a mild herbal fragrance which is not bothersome. The fragrance proves that it contain natural extracts unlike other sunscreens I have used which usually have a chemical smell.

My experience: I have always chosen sunscreens based on the SPF factor. But till now I have never heard of TPI factor. So I googled around a bit and found that TPI is Tan Protection Index. Basically SPF helps to protect the skin against UV rays, cancer and sun burns. Whereas TPI specifically helps to protect the skin from tanning. This was a new info to me.

So coming back to this sunscreen from Nature’s Essence, this has both SPF and TPI. It takes a little time to blend it in completely. Though it appears tinted, after applying there is no tint whatsoever and it gives a natural finish. Unlike other sunscreens, this doesn’t leave any whitish cast. I have oily-combination skin and I find it little heavy and greasy for use nowadays as summers have started. Within 3-4 hours, my face starts becoming oily. I think it might be more suitable during winters. Dry skin people can use it year around.

Now the strange thing that I have observed is, although it claims of TPI 60 and SPF 30, I am still getting tanned. I don’t know if it is just me or anyone else too felt it, but overtime of trying out different sunscreens, I have observed that those from higher end brands like Avene, Vichy, TBS, etc. or even mid-range brands like Neutrogena, Plum, Christine Valmy, etc even if they have lower SPF of 20, they seem to prevent tanning to a large extent, while those from budget brands, though they claim of higher SPFs, they fail to prevent much tanning. Am not sure about it, but I feel sunscreen is one product where the ones with completely natural ingredients might not really be effective. While we can opt for natural products in face washes, face packs, shampoos, etc., when it comes to sunscreens I don’t think they are much effective. Its just my observation. Please share your views and experiences with natural sunscreens in the comments below.

* Doesn’t leave any whitish cast.
* Has TPI along with SPF .
* Contains goodness of natural ingredients like aloevera, turmeric and basil.
* Suitable for normal-dry skin.
* Very affordable.

* Might not suit oily/combination skin.
* Not much effective in preventing tan.
* Complete ingredients list missing.

Price and quantity: Rs.95 for 60ml.

Rating: 3.7/5

Verdict: Nature’s Essence Sun Ban Sunscreen Lotion SPF-30 TPI-60 is a very budget-friendly sunscreen with natural ingredients. But the results are average and its not very effective in preventing tan. Maybe if you are spending most time indoors, you can try it. But skip it if you spend more time under sun or going on a vacation or beach holiday.

Editor’s Note: That’s a fabulous review Archana, from whatever little I have read, heard and interacted with dermatologists, they all say sunscreens are good for protection but they cannot prevent skin from tanning. I am not sure how TPI works but I haven’t heard of any full proof sunscreen which prevents absolute tanning when you are out in the harsh skin for a long time. I remember using the Avene SPF50 spray all over my body during the Beauty & The Blogger shoot and we were out in the super harsh summer sun from 11 to 3 and I get tanned super easily, the area of the skin within the clothes and the area exposed to sun went black and white literally, that tan took almost 8-9 months to go away completely! So to prevent tan, one has to be covered and protected all the time, sunscreen will only help in protecting and this one sounds good for winters or for dry skin.

Sorry for the long rant 😀

Have you tried the Nature’s Essence Sun Ban Sunscreen Lotion SPF-30 TPI-60?