Category Archives: Personal

A Person in Your Life that #NeverLetsYouDown, Lava Mobiles

A Person in Your Life that #NeverLetsYouDown

A Person in Your Life that #NeverLetsYouDown

Hi guys,

This is more of a personal post. Recently I came across Lava Mobiles and they claim they put their mobiles to rigorous tests and it is one device that will never let you down come what may. I was thinking we all have that one person is life who we know for sure will never let us down.

For me, that person has to be my mom. Things have changed a lot post my marriage, but I was completely dependent on her earlier. From finding my things to being my shopping partner to comforting me when I am unwell, she would even guess the things I feel like eating and gets them before I even mention it. It’s so surprising but maybe when they say moms know it all, it indeed is true. She always knew when I have cried even though I didn’t cry in front of her.

I have become a little more responsible now  since I live alone post my marriage (had no other option :p) but even today, my mom is always there for me. And she will come to help me whenever I am stranded.

I dedicate this post to my mom as I depend on her completely and  unconditionally. I don’t know about 2 am friends since all my friends are married and busy with their lives now, but my mom is surely that 2 am person in my life.

Lava Mobiles symbolise trust, reliability and strength. For me, my mom is the person I can trust and rely on 100%. And no one can beat my mom when it comes to strength, she was so strong and composed even when I met with my accident. She was by my side the entire time and she took complete care of me those 40-45 days. I couldn’t stand or sit and was only supposed to lie straight and she did everything for me. She even took me to the Physiotherapist daily as I needed support to walk when I just started walking, it was only because of her love and care, that I recovered quickly.

I don’t think there can be any other person in my life who can replace her. I am what I am, only because of my mom.

Who is the person in your life that #NeverLetsYouDown?