Tag Archives: 7 Beauty Tips for Sensitive Skin

7 Beauty Tips for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive Skin

People with red hair, or who have Celtic, Irish, British or Scottish heritage often suffer from sensitive skin, which is characterized by very thin, fragile and pink colored skin.

Sensitive skin is often mistaken for allergy-prone skin. In sensitive skin the blood vessels and nerve endings are closer to the surface of the skin, which causes it to get irritated and redden easily from external or internal irritants. Not only can topical application of a cosmetic cause sensitive skin to redden, but so can eating spicy food, consuming caffeine or alcohol, taking niacin (Vitamin B3), exposure to sun or tobacco use.

Sensitive skin is much more likely to develop reactions and allergies to cosmetics, however many reaction to cosmetics for people with sensitive skin may not be associated with true allergies. It takes special attention to the details of foods and cosmetic ingredients to isolate what is causing simply red irritated skin and what is the cause of a true allergy. Either way anyone with sensitive skin knows that whether it is a true allergy or simply a reaction from sensitive skin it is desirable to avoid the cause of the reaction in the future.

7 tips for Sensitive Skin:

  • Avoid cedar wood at this ingredient, all be it naturally derived, can cause skin irritation
  • Don’t use pre purchased face cloths/wipes as these contain chemicals and artificial preservatives that can irritate sensitive skin types
  • Avoid coriander oil this can cause contact dermatitis
  • Splash your face with water before and after cleansing and use a face cloth with luke warm water (not hot!)
  • Avoid artificial fragrances. Not to be confused with natural fragrances – some of which can actually be healing!
  • Select a certified organic face cleanser
  • Be gentle with your skin – don’t rub and scrub vigorously, this can increase the sensitivity
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