Tag Archives: Bikini Laser

The Mumbai Bridal Diaries: Bikini Wax or Bikini Laser? Kaya Skin Clinic

The Mumbai Bride Diaries: Bikini Laser Update

The Mumbai Bride Diaries: Bikini Laser Update

Hey guys,

Remember the last time I told you about the pros and cons of bikini waxing and bikini laser. Read it HERE. I got my 1st bikini laser session at Kaya Skin Clinic and also shared my experience.

And now after the 2nd session, here is an update.

At first, let me tell you, with just 1 session, the growth had reduced to half! Like literally half. This time for the 2nd session, the doctor gave a higher reading, which I understood from they way she was explaining the practitioner  and was already scared.

There are generally two different frequency settings prescribed by the doctor, higher for the upper area where there is more thick and coarse growth and a lower frequency for the main sensitive area.

I had mentioned about the pre and post care in the previous post,how they keep the anesthetic cream (Prilox) for 45 minutes before the laser and things to avoid post laser,etc.

Since the frequency was higher this time, it hurt!! I won’t lie, this time it did hurt on the upper area and after 2-3 lines when it became a little unbearable, the practitioner lowered the frequency level and it was much better. The main area had a lower frequency and that was still bearable.

Always tell your practitioner to lower the frequency if its unbearable for you, there is generally a range given by the doctor. And its completely fine if the laser is at a lesser frequency, not that you wouldn’t get the desired results, the laser light will still find the dark hair follicle and burn it.

Its been more than 2 weeks now since I got my 2nd session done and I am super happy to tell you guys that there is like hardly any growth! It must be around 25-30% that too not much on the upper area. It feels so nice. And its very important from hygiene point of view too.

My 3rd session would be on 1st or 2nd December just before the wedding. (I hope so, if the periods,etc cooperate)

I would update you guys in January now about the 3rd session and the growth.

Did any of you try bikini waxing or bikini laser ? Do let me know in the comments below 🙂

The Mumbai Bride Diaries: Bikini Wax or Bikini Laser?

The Mumbai Bride Diaries: Bikini Wax or Bikini Laser?

Hey guys,

With around 2 plus (few days) months left for the wedding, I was contemplating whether to go for bikini wax or bikini laser hair reduction, coz its its laser, the sessions take time as there is a gap of around 1-1.5 months in between each session.

All of my friends until now have gone for bikini wax before their wedding or otherwise. And most of them still continue to do so, every single month! I have no idea how they bear the pain :/ I have never tried bikini wax and even the thought of it scares me!

One of my cousin and aunt had got the bikini laser hair reduction done from Kaya Skin Clinic and recommended the same to me.

Two things that need to be kept in mind for bikini laser are:

  • Cost involved
  • And its hair reduction, not removal

That is, hair reduces and there is very less/minimal growth but not complete removal in laser.

Bikini wax also has few issues like not every salon does it, unbearable pain and going through it every single month! And bikini wax at a good salon also costs anywhere around Rs.700/- to Rs. 1200/-

After contemplating the pros and cons, I decided to go for bikini laser hair reduction at Kaya Skin Clinic. Also, coz I have already experienced the underarm laser hair reduction at Kaya. Currently, bikini laser costs Rs.27,000/- for 6 sessions. They also have bikini+underarms combos which turns out more economical.

I already started with the first session last week. The area is marked and the doctor checks and gives the reading. Then the area marked is shaved. Unlike in underarm laser, they use an anesthetic cream (Prilox) that is to be kept for 45 minutes before the bikini laser starts.

One session takes about 1 hour 15 minutes in total. And there can be a gap of 1-1.5 months in between 2 sessions depending on the growth.

The laser does prick at few places and you can smell the burning hair roots, but its not unbearable kinds. And the pain is not continuous. You feel nothing at few places and a little more pain at few, especially the most sensitive part. (you know where)

They apply an ice pack after the laser is done, followed by a cream. I got some redness but it subsided in a day. You will feel the urge to pee immediately, but control for 5-10 minutes.

Post care is the same:

  • Use a moisturizer every 3-4 hours. Do not let the skin feel dry.
  • Do not wax.
  • Do not use soap, gel, etc on that area for 1-2 days
  • No swimming for a week

One thing to be kept in mind is, you can get the session done 10 days after your periods have ended.

I do see some growth which I was told, I will, the same case as in underarms. But most of those hair automatically fall off. My next session is due next month and I will update you guys about it.

If you have any questions regarding bikini laser hair reduction, drop in the comments below 🙂

Have you tried bikini wax or bikini laser ? Your views ?