Tag Archives: Causes & Cures

Hair Concerns, Causes & Cures

Hair Concerns, Causes & Cures

Hi guys,

Today I am talking about the hair concerns/problems most of us face. From dryness, greying, hair fall, split ends to dandruff, itchiness, oily scalp, etc. there are so many different hair issues one faces at every different point of time.

If you have dry scalp and hair, it is mostly itchy, flaky scalp, dandruff and frizz that one faces usually. If you have oily scalp and hair, then hair looks weighed down, greasy and dull. Greying of hair, dandruff and hair fall is like very common for all hair types, those are some common hair problems.

Hair Concerns, Causes & Cures, Indian Beauty Blog, Hair Care
This is my natural hair which is curled..no extensions

I have talked about hair fall and how to grow long, healthy hair before HERE and HERE.

Chemical treatments like coloring and straightening/rebonding are the main culprits when it comes to dry or damaged hair. Coloring especially using a light color/bleaching rips off the moisture from your hair strands and makes it very thin. When you compare it to your natural hair, the colored strands are half in thickness and look dry, dull and frizzy. Rebonding is again chemically changing your hair structure while leads to terrible hair fall! Avoid chemical treatments and coloring as much as you can.

Straight Hair

Heat styling is again something that causes hair to become dry and frizzy, you should avoid using heat especially if you have dry hair. Keep it occasional and if you cannot avoid it, then use a very good heat protectant before heat styling.

A good healthy diet and proper sleep can change the way your skin and hair looks and feels completely. Hair needs iron, zinc, protein, etc. and if it is not getting those nutrients from the diet, it will start falling as they won’t be strong enough and not grow at a rate they should. Proper sleep can help reduce your stress and also some amount of exercise/yoga helps manage stress and keep it in check.

Pollution and sun exposure are other culprits which damage your hair. Always carry a scarf/umbrella to protect your hair. Tie and cover your hair when you are swimming or working out, so as to protect it from chlorine or sweat respectively.

Dry hair which does not get enough nutrients also leads to split ends since the ends of the hair are not getting nourishment. And heat styling ,etc further dries out the ends.

Apart from a proper diet and managing your stress, you need to avoid coloring/chemical treatments/heat styling, etc. and nourish your hair with the right products.

Hair oils/serums/heat protectants, etc. are here to help your hair and keep them hydrated and nourished. Oil your hair twice a week and shampoo 2-3 times a week to keep dirt and dandruff at bay.

Oiling helps you in many ways as it is something that goes within your scalp and nourish your hair from the roots. Hair oils are the only hair care product that actually work from within and go onto the scalp. Don’t worry about using excess oil as the scalp will absorb only as much as is needed. I am currently using the Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil once/twice a week. Even if I forget to oil it overnight, I use it at least one hour before shampooing. Whenever I oil my hair, the hair is smoother, shinier and tangle free post shampooing, even without a conditioner.

Also, deep conditioning helps me keep dandruff and split ends at bay. For dandruff, the best thing is not let your scalp dry and if you are suffering from too much dandruff which just doesn’t leave you, try a few home remedies. For me, soaking methi/fenugreek seeds overnight in water and blending them with curd and applying half an hour before washing my hair works. Also lemon juice works at some times.

So these were some of the hair concerns, causes of it and how to avoid/cure them.

What do you think of hair problems? How do you manage them?