Tag Archives: DIY for growing hair quickly

Onion Juice For Hair - 5 Benefits & Ways to Use

Onion Juice For Hair – 5 Benefits & Ways to Use

Onion Juice For Hair – 5 Benefits & Ways to Use

By Nidhal

The list of hair woes is endless. However, there is one wonder ingredient in your pantry that can rescue your mane from all the trouble. It’s none other than the good Ol’ onion. Don’t believe? Have a look at its benefits for your mane. Jot down these benefits of onion for hair so that the next time you suffer from any hair woe that can be combated by use of onion juice, you have something to refer to which will bring you back to me, hopefully thanking me.

1. ARRESTS HAIR FALL- Tried every possible product and home remedy to somehow arrest your crowning glory’s strands fall like wilted leaves off your head? Dissatisfied still? Give a shot to onion juice. Onion is a rich source of sulphur, which is extremely beneficial for healthy hair growth. It prevents hair breakage and accelerates regrowth of hair.

PROCEDURE- Gently massaging the fresh juice of an onion or two onto the scalp helps increase blood circulation, thereby strengthening the hair follicles. Be patient and persistent as I always say. I understand that saying this is a cakewalk and being in the shoes of the person suffering is a Herculean task but stressing will aggravate the situation all the more. Follow the regimen for at least two months twitch a week.

2. BID ADIEU TO PREMATURE GREYING OF HAIR- Does your face pucker on seeing those hideous white strands making a peak-a- boo out of nowhere from your scalp as you stroke your mane with your fingers or spruce it up? Head to the pantry and raid it for an onion. Premature greying of hair is caused as a natural antioxidant- catalase reduces. Onion helps control this problem by increasing catalase. Simply chop an onion (Devdas alert!)

PROCEDURE- Strain it well to remove all the chunks and using a cotton ball dipped wholly into the juice of the onion, slather it generously all over your scalp focussing a little more on the area where you have white hair strands. Wash off your hair after half an hour and shampoo as usual. Since onion juice is entirely liquid, it will be a messy affair. Repeat twice a week for two months and anticipate positive results with bated breath.

3. BID FAREWELL TO SCALP INFECTIONS AND PARASITES- Remember class 8 th science which introduced you to the world of parasites and hosts? Let me save you the hassle of recalling it. Parasites are creatures that ‘live off’ hosts. They derive everything from shelter to nutrition from the host without giving anything positive in return. In other words, the parasite gets to be a free-loader! And we do not entertain such creatures especially if they are on our scalp. To do away with such parasites inhabiting our scalp, this time we will rely upon ‘onions’.

PROCEDURE- Simply grind and sieve them to extract their juice. Mix it with amla powder (which has a rich content of Vitamin C). Apply using a cotton swab and then, wash your hair with plenty water. Onions have anti-bacterial properties which is useful in getting rid of scalp infections and parasites while amla will strengthen the locks.

4. IMPARTS SHINE TO YOUR TRESSES- I tried it once and was thrilled to see how lustrous my locks looked after washing off the juice. The first use itself threw results, however, this point is subjective but there is no denying that onion juice imparts a winsome glow to your mane. Onion belongs to the Allium family and is enriched with sulphur-containing compounds that are responsible for its pungent taste and odour.

PROCEDURE- Simply mix adequate onion juice with reetha powder and curd. Keep it on your hair for about half an hour and then wash off using a mild shampoo and conditioner. Repeat twice a week to acclimatize your hair and scalp to these ingredients. If you wish to add/subtract any ingredient that you think suits your hair, you are welcome to do so.

5. STRENGTHENS YOU MANE- Onion juice is very rich in Sulphur content. Application of the juice to the scalp stimulates and improves blood circulation. Hair grows from the follicles in the scalp. The next time you feel your hair is losing its strength, head no further than your very own pantry.

PROCEDURE- To use, simply chop and strain the juice of an onion. Mix with shikakai powder. Apply on your scalp and rinse thoroughly after half an hour. Shampoo and condition as usual. Repeat twice a week for at least two months.

Editor’s Note: These are some interesting DIY’s Nidhal, I will surely try

Have you tried using onion juice for your hair?