Tag Archives: Exercises to tighten facial muscles

Best Face Tightening Exercises | Get Rid of Double Chin

Best Face Tightening Exercises | Get Rid of Double Chin

Best Face Tightening Exercises | Get Rid of Double Chin

By Nidhal

Look around yourself. How do people in your ambit look? Do not get deceived by the heady cocktail of chemicals on their face, camouflaging the dullness, tiredness and stress writ on them. No matter what your profession or field you are in, you do not get a license that enables you to turn a blind eye to the natural lustre of your face. Makeup is fun and creative, I agree but if the base (read: your face’s natural texture) is not well-maintained, no amount of makeup will elicit spectacular results.

With improper, insalubrious and untimely eating habits, we are aggravating the situation. How? You are what you eat! It’s time to take back a few steps and incorporate some easy-to- do exercises in your fitness regimen to allay premature aging and drive away dullness.

These exercises will help you tighten your facial muscles and also get rid of that nasty double chin..

1. THE BALLOON FACE- One of the popular selfie poses, the balloon face targets the muscles in your cheeks. All you need to do is inhale deeply through your mouth. Before exhaling, fill your cheeks with air. Your cheeks should resemble a balloon. Hold for a few seconds and release the breath.

2. THE FISH FACE- Another famed selfie pose is here! You do not need any tutorial on how to ace this, do you Ms. Selfie Queen? However, to those who aren’t fond of clicking selfies, here’s how you need to ace this- Suck in your cheeks and purse your lips. Hold for 30 seconds and then relax.

3. THE HULK- Unleash in the inherent Hulk in you by performing the “Hulk Exercise”. This exercise targets the loose skin drooping from one’s neck. To perform it, tilt your head backwards, purse your lips out and place your fingers at the bottom of your neck. Hold for 30 seconds and then revert to your former position. Continue for 5 minutes.

4. THE ‘SMOOTH THE FOREHEAD’ EXERCISE- To target the fine lines that develop on one’s forehead with time, the ‘smooth the forehead’ exercise proves to be fruitful. Place your fingers on the forehead, both facing each other. Spread the remaining fingers likewise and gently swipe the forehead while applying a light pressure to ‘smoothen’ the lines. Continue for 5 minutes.

5. THE ‘TONGUE OUT’ EXERCISE- This exercise may look as if you are teasing someone. So if you intend to and are confronted by them, tell them that it’s a face tightening exercise and walk away slyly! To perform this exercise, raise your eyebrows as high as you can and open your eyes as wide as possible. Hold them for five seconds. Stick your tongue out as far as you can and hold for a few seconds.

6. MASSAGING THE PHILTRUM- The grove between your nose and upper portion of the lip is called the philtrum. Massaging it will sort out smoker’s lines. Doing so is easy too. All you need to do is make inward circular movements using your index finger for 5 minutes. That’s all, you’re done. Incorporate it in your “daily” regimen. It doesn’t need any sophisticated equipment or state of body too.

7. KAPAALBHAATI PRANAYAAM- Kapaal stands for “skull” while bhaati means “shine”. Translated literally, Kapaalbhaati Pranayaam means the “skull shining” exercise. Regular practice will impart an enviable lustre to your face. Doing it is also cushy. Simply sit in a cross-legged position. Let your left hand rest on your left thigh and knee. Now, close the right opening of your nose using your right hand. Inhale deeply. Hold for 15 seconds. Close the left opening of your nose and exhale slowly. That’s Kapaalbhaati Pranayaam andyou have aced it! Do it at least 15 times a day and increase the frequency as you get accustomed to it.

Editor’s Note: These are some interesting exercises, much needed. Will definitely be trying.

Have you tried any of these exercises for tightening your face?