Tag Archives: Health Blog

New Whisper #UltraSoft Event & Review

New Whisper #UltraSoft Event & Review

New Whisper #UltraSoft Event & Review

Hi guys,

I attended the launch of Whisper Ultra Soft last week and I even used it last week. Actually, the very same day 😀

I had my date around the event and I had to use it right after the event and thankfully we got the new Whisper Ultra Soft in our PR bag.

Radhika Apte and Dr. Nandita Palshetkar, a renowned gynecologist were present for the event and they both talked about how important it is for a girl to be comfortable during her periods and it should be like any other day for her. Also we should be comfortable talking about it and not consider it as a taboo.

Dr. Nandita also spoke about menstrual hygiene and how it is very important. We should take care of basic things like washing the vagina properly, not using harsh soap and keeping it dry. Changing the pads regularly every 4-5 hours and cleaning the vagina and the surrounding area well.


[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/YouGoGirlIndia/videos/1393407764013868/” width=”700″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″]


We also saw a demo during the event where the new Whisper Ultra Soft and another pad was compared. Both had liquids poured onto them and on squeezing, the other pad leaked out all the liquid while nothing came out of the Whisper Ultra Soft, not even a drop. It takes in all the flow and converts it into a gel immediately.

The ‘New Whisper Ultra Soft’ offers superior comfort that feels 2x softer on skin while absorbing wetness hour after hour.

I have used the other green Whisper before and was only using that untill now. But this new Ultra Soft absorbs everything and leaves the top layer completely dry, something I have not experienced even with the old Whisper. Also after my periods get over, I get rashes and itching because of the pads which last 1-2 days. That happens each time and with all the different pads I have tried till date. I was so glad this new Whisper Ultra Soft didn’t give me any rashes or itchiness.

The doctor had mentioned the new Whisper Ultra Soft is meant for sensitive skin and yes, it surely is. These are also very thin and almost half the size in width compared to their previous one. I have to say, Whisper Ultra Soft are the most comfortable pads I have used till now.

I was using them throughout my periods last week. Next day after this event, I had 3 back to back events and I was out from morning 11 to 8 at night. I didn’t feel uncomfortable at any moment, thanks to the new Whisper. I did carry one along in my bag, and changed it in between.

It’s a pack of 7 pads and priced at Rs.64/-. I love the whole pink and white packaging too. I highly recommend trying them, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Have you tried the new Whisper Ultra Soft yet?

Best Exercises To Get Rid of Love Handles/Muffin Tops

Best Exercises To Get Rid of Love Handles/Muffin Tops

By Nidhal

Flaunting a flat and chiseled tummy not only looks winsome but also manifests one’s dedication, assiduousness and attention towards one’s health. And it is tacit that such a frame complements almost all types of apparel be it ethnic or Western. However, thanks to our fast-paced lives, we cross paths with insalubrious food items, commonly known as junk food, and ingestion of which leaves us with myriad health woes.

Love handles/muffin tops are excess abdominal fat that accumulate near the waist and without any iota of doubt look unprepossessing but wait, do not fret. There are easy ways which help you get rid of them. So, jot down these points and bid farewell to those pesky love handles that are holding you back from flaunting a figure-hugging outfit!

1. KNEE DROP EXERCISE- Lie flat on the ground, abs pulled in tight to your spine, back flat on the floor. Lift legs off the floor and into a table-top position. Squeeze a ball between your legs, engaging the inner thigh muscles and lower abs the entire time. Drop your knees over to the right. Continue for 15 minutes in a set.

2. BICYCLE CRUNCH EXERCISE- Bicycle crunches utilize all of your major abdominal muscles more than any other ab exercise. This all-inclusive exercise helps tone up one’s belly and love handle areas. To do a bicycle crunch, lie on the floor and clasp your hands behind your head. Slightly raise your legs a few inches off the floor. Bend your knees at a 45-degree angle. Direct your legs in a bicycle motion while bringing your left elbow to right knee, then right elbow to left knee.

3. RUSSIAN TWIST EXERCISE- Sit on your bottom with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. You should be leaning back at 45 degrees angle. You can hold a weight in your hands, or you can choose not to. That is your discretion. You have legroom to do so! Lift your feet off the ground and cross them at the ankles. Twist to the right and touch the ground next to your hip with the weight or your hand. Twist back to the left and do the same.

4. BURPEES- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, squat down putting your weight in your butt and reach your hands towards the floor. Jump with your legs and extend your feet to one side, land with both feet while keeping your core tight and one leg stacked on top of the other, jump back to centre, and then jump straight up bringing your hands overhead. With this exercise, kiss goodbye to those pesky and abashing love handles in no time.

5. THE SUPERMAN EXERCISE- The most frolicsome of all exercise- the superman exercise helps you unleash the superman (or should I say superwomen?) in you. How? All you need to do is stretch yourself on the ground by keeping your hands and legs straight. You need to lift your chest and thighs of the ground at the same time by balancing yourself on your stomach. Maintain the posture for 30 seconds and relax. That’s one rep! And you have aced it.

6. SKIPPING- Not only does skipping improves one’s agility, but also it kicks excess fat off one’s body. All you need to do is invest in a skipping rope and get started. There’s no ‘tutorial’ per se on how to skip. The key is to keep an eye on the rope and jump as it approaches your feet. 20 jumps for a beginner is fine starting point. So, go and grab a skipping rope.

7. LUNGES- Lunges not only tone and strengthen legs, but also develop muscles of the abdomen. Stand straight with your right leg placed forward. Now, bend both the knees to lower your body to a lunge pose. It is as cushy as that! Incorporate it in your daily fitness regimen and you’ll have not only toned legs to flaunt but also zero love handles.

Editor’s Note: I think we all need this 😀 Thanks for this post Nidhal

Do you follow these exercises?