Tag Archives: Home Remedies for skin

Benefits of Papaya for Skin and Hair

Benefits of Papaya for Skin and Hair

Benefits of Papaya for Skin and Hair

By Sanchita

Papaya is called the “The Fruit of the Angels” and it is a native to the tropical areas of Central America and Southern Mexico. Today, it is a popular fruit and often known as ‘papita’ in Hindi.

This amazing fruit is enriched in vitamins A, C, E and K and has various other antioxidant properties. Consuming the fruit will not only give you amazing skin and hair but it has various beauty benefits as well. It is applied on the skin and hair for natural beauty.

The various benefits and uses of Papaya for Skin are as follows –

Removal of sun tan – This is a common problem for summer. Our skin is prone to tanning and looks dull. The papaya has vitamins A and C in abundance along with a enzyme called ‘papain’. This helps to lighten the complexion, removing sun tan and dark spots with the passage of time. Simply make a thick paste of papaya and add honey and turmeric to it. Apply this face pack every day in a week and see how it improves the skin.

Skin hydration – Papaya is rich in water content and has various other elements as well which helps to keep the skin soft, smooth and moisturized. The hydration is smooth and will not clog the pores or make the skin look oily. Simply, blend ½ cup of ripe papaya into a fine paste, add honey and apply evenly on skin. Wash off after 20-25mins.

Anti-ageing – Papaya is anti-ageing in nature. It has vitamins C and E to rejuvenate the skin and the papaya skin has various enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. As a result, the age spots and wrinkles are prevented and removed. It also contains Retin-A which help reduce the signs of aging. Overall, you get younger looking skin with bright and radiant skin tone. Mash ½ cup of overripe papaya, add honey and yogurt and apply as a face mask. Wash off after 20-25 mins. You can also rub the skin of papaya for better results.

Prevention of acne and pimples – Papaya has an enzyme called papain that has natural skin- cleansing properties, which helps to get rid of clogged pores and greasiness. The exfoliating effect helps in preventing blackheads. The enzyme helps in preventing acne and improving the skin as well. It also helps to soothe the inflamed skin. Simply, apply a thin layer of ripe papaya pulp as face mask and leave on for 20mins. Wash off with cold water and pat the skin dry.

Brighten complexion and removal of dark spots – This is one of the most effective beauty benefits of papaya. The papain helps to lighten the dark spots, giving a bright and radiant complexion. It is known that papaya contains natural bleaching properties. The vitamin C has anti-oxidant properties and also helps in clearing the skin of impurities. Rub a fleshy part of ripe papaya every alternative days and wash off with cold water.

The various benefits and uses of Papaya for Hair are as follows –

Soft and healthy hair – The papaya is also very helpful for lustrous, healthy hair. It is enriched in several minerals, vitamins and enzymes that can improve hair growth and strength. Along with that, it will also help to thicken the hair and the protein in papaya reduces split ends. To prepare a papaya hair mask, blend a ripe papaya according to your hair length and mix with olive oil or almond oil. Apply this all over the hair, from root to tip and keep it for 30-40mins. Wash off with mild shampoo.

Reduces dandruff – Papaya helps in reducing dandruff and prevents dry scalp. It has various antifungal properties. Even the seeds of papaya prevents fungal infection. Blend ½ papaya with the seeds intact and apply the paste generously on the scalp. Leave it on for one hour and then shampoo as usual.

Caution –

  • Always do a patch test before using it on skin and hair.
  • Papaya can cause allergic reactions in some people, which might due to papain or the latex.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using excessive papaya.

Editor’s Note: Loved the DIY and tips Sanchita

Do you use papaya for your skin and hair?

Home Remedies For Glowing Skin


By Rashmi

Hello peeps,

I am back with another DIY solution for your skin. Glowing skin is what everybody desires. People spend so much money by going to parlours. Though the effect of parlour treatment is almost immediate,is it long lasting? I don’t think so. I prefer using ingredients from the kitchen which are readily available.These are absolutely natural ingredients and are safe. And these things give a glow to your face like no other parlour treatment can give. And guess what? The results are permanent. When at first my mother asked me to use homemade face masks instead of going to the parlour i laughed at that but now after using all these homemade masks I am sure I am not going to the parlour for facials.

And I am sure these home remedies for glowing skin are going to work for you guys as well.

Happy reading ☺

1. Honey and lemon juice –

In a bowl take 2tbsp honey and mix in it 1tbsp lemon. Mix it well. Apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.Wash it off with cold water. Lemon works as a natural bleach and honey gives instant radiance. One could also try applying just honey on the face. Honey and Lemon is perfect for removing your tan too.

2. Banana face mask-

In a bowl take half a banana(ripe),mix 1tbsp yogurt to it along with 1tbsp honey. Mix it well until the banana is mashed completely. You could add 2-3 drops of rosewater too. Now apply this face mask and leave it for 20-25 minutes before washing it off with water.Banana is best for getting glowing skin.

3. Tomato juice –

Simply mix tomato juice along with lemon and apply it on your face. Let it sit for 20minutes and then wash it off with plain water.Follow up with a good oil free moisturiser.

4. Olive oil or coconut oil-

People have this misconception that if they apply oil on their face, they will get pimples .This isn’t true. In fact either olive oil or coconut oil should be applied on the face for at least 10minutes before taking a shower. This is a really effective method to get that glow that you have always longed for.I follow this routine daily and this has worked effectively for me.

5. Potato and lemon juice-

Take the juice of half potato and mix in it about 1tbsp lemon juice. Apply this on your face daily for a week and you will be able to notice a beautiful glow on your face. Rub this mixture on your elbows too to get rid of dark elbows. This mix when used continuously for a week, will help get rid of all that stubborn tan.

6. Papaya face mask-

In a bowl take papaya and mash it well. Mix in it about 1tbsp honey, 1/2 tsp turmeric (you don’t want to be left with a yellow face instead of a glowing one) and 1tsp honey. Mix all the ingredients well and apply this on your face for 20 minutes and then wash it off. Apply rosewater on your face after that.

7. Milk and lemon-

Mix milk and lemon together. The milk should be unboiled. Apply this and you would get a radiant skin within a week. Milk helps to moisturise your skin and lemon helps in bleaching the skin naturally thus causing no side effect.

Additional tips-

1. For people with dry skin mix glycerine and rosewater and apply it on your face daily.

2. For people with oily skin mix gram flour(besan) with rosewater and apply daily. Alternatively fuller’s earth could also be used.

3. Apply aloe vera on your face daily .

4. Exfoliate your skin at least twice a week to get rid off the dead skin cells.

5. Always keep your skin hydrated and moisturised.

6. Always remove your makeup before going to sleep and apply your night cream.

7. Rub an ice cube on your face for an instant glow.

See more skincare tips/DIY HERE

Editor’s Note: These are easy and perfect everyday tips Rashmi. Glycerine and Rose water, I swear by. Even Fuller’s Earth, especially for summers.

Do you use these quick home remedies for that glowing skin? If not, do so now.

P.S: Images from Google.