Tag Archives: Home remedies

How To Get Rid of a Tan ?

How To Get Rid of a Tan ?
It is common for the hands and the legs to become darker than most of the body parts, this is because they are overexposed to sun rays in daily life. It may be unappealing if only the hands and legs are tanned, leaving rest of the body in lighter shade. The best way is to avoid getting tanned in the first place, by taking preventive measures…like wearing covered clothes and proper sunscreen, etc..UV radiation from sun rays and tanning beds increase the production of melanin (a skin pigment). As a result the skin gets tanned. Even though there is no safe method to lighten the skin cells that are tanned, you can surely boost the renewal process of skin cells that are beneath the layer of tanned skin cells.
How to get rid of tan

There are after sun products too..which can be used immediately after coming from outside..they have anti tan skin soothing ingredients..that might control the tan to a certain extent..

But do not worry; even if it is too late, here are some of the remedies that can give an even complexion with a glowing skin.

Make a paste of one almond, 5 drops of lemon and a teaspoon of milk. Apply on face and leave it on overnight and wash with warm water the next morning. This helps even out complexion and will give you a healthy summer glow! You could also try coconut milk. Leave this too on all night. If you breakout often, then rub on tomato juice all over your face and leave for ten minutes. Do this a few times during the week to get rid of tan.

Potato: one of the natural remedy to remove tan from the hands and legs is use of peeled potato skin. Simply rub the peeled skin of potato on the tanned area of hands and legs as a daily routine. You can also apply raw potato juice instead of peeled skin.

A paste made from turmeric powder, curd and gram flour is effective in changing the darker complexion after tanning. Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with two teaspoon of curd and two teaspoon of gram flour. Add one to two teaspoon of water and prepare a paste. Now apply it on your hands and legs half hour before you take bath. Do it regularly and you can see the difference within a week.

Lime juice is a natural beach. Prepare a mixture of lime juice and honey with a pinch of turmeric powder perfectly dissolved in it. Apply it on the darkened hands and legs.

Raw milk: apply milk on the tanned area of your hand regularly. You should apply it half hour before bathing. Slowly but surely, after few days the tanned skin surface of hands will fade out.

Aloe vera gel: Apply aloe vera gel on your hands at least two to three times in a day.

A popular natural remedy for removing tanning is the use of sunflower oil, lemon juice and sugar. Mix all the products equally to make a smooth paste. Apply the paste on your hands and let it remain for 30 minutes before you rinse it off with cold water.

Make fine powder of dried orange peels. Now mix it in a cup of yogurt. Apply the prepared mixture on the hands and rub it gently with your hands. Let it remain for 10 to 20 minutes, after which you wash your hands with normal tap water. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel.

Mix salt (or sugar) and essential oil in a small bowl. Now add a teaspoon of honey and blend till you get a smooth texture. Finally add lemon juice and blend with spoon. Use this scrub with special concentration on the darkest areas of the face. Gently scrub in circular motion to exfoliate the top layer of the skin. Do this twice a week to remove tan from the face.

Mix gram flour with water and rub it all over your skin. When you wash it off, tan gets lightened.

Another way to remove sun tan from face is to apply curd as a face pack.

Lemon Glycerine Pack: Mix glycerine and lemon juice in equal ratio. Apply the mixture on the affected area and wash when it dries. This mixture can also be used as night cream to remove tan and get supple skin

Sandal Wood Turmeric Pack: Sandalwood and turmeric are essential part of many beauty enhancement treatments which includes the treatment for removing sun tan. Mix sandal wood and pure turmeric powder in a ration of 1:1. Add rose water to form a paste. Leave for half an hour or till it is dry and the wash using cold water.

Prepare a mixture of oats and buttermilk. This mixture should be rubbed onto the tanned area as the oats will help in exfoliating the skin and on the other hand the butter milk is known to be extremely soothing for the skin.

A regular use of fresh coconut water on the hands and face is known to be very effective in getting rid of a tan as well as making the skin supple and soft.

A cream with equal parts of milk powder, lemon juice, honey and almond oil can be applied and left on for 20 minutes. This will help lighten your tan. You can store this for about a week and use it thrice daily for best results.

Mash the papaya pulp and massage the sun tanned area. Papaya is excellent for the skin and also helps in anti-aging.

Combining ash gourd juice (Petha or Safed Kaddu as it is called) with multan mitti and applying it all over the face helps reduce the tan considerably.

Nature’s Essence Lacto Tan Clear Soap and Mask are also very helpful to get rid of tan.

So here I gave you so many at home remedies to get rid of your tan…enjoy the summers but use a sunscreen..and if you get tanned then use these remedies 😉

Source: 1, 2

Do share your remedies or products if any, to get rid of tan..

Natural Kitchen Remedies for Skin and Hair

Natural Skin and Hair Care Products in your Kitchen
Guest Post by Kate
Women tend to do anything to look beautiful and gorgeous. Hence they don’t mind putting lots of their money in getting home costly cosmetic products for their beauty care. However, most of these cosmetic products are chemical based and at times can be lethal to your skin regardless of the small and big brand they come from. You might be lured and attracted to massive ads pertaining to beauty and cosmetic products promising you instant and good result. However, at the end of the day you hardly get anything trying them day in and day out. At such junctures, switching over to natural products can be a wise decision to make. Moreover, if you get beauty solutions in your kitchen only, what more would you want in life.
For your Hair and Scalp
For dealing with dandruff, using the juice made up of tomato can give good results. You can rid of scales by soothing dry and itchy scalp and reinstates its pH balance. People with dry hair can use Mayonnaise. It’s your treatment mask for deep conditioning. Mayonnaise contains egg yolks which caters your hair with vinegar, protein helping you in normalizing the pH balance of your hair. Use it along with vegetable oil it helps in lubricating the hair follicles. The dull hair can be given life and proper color using pure fruit juices. For best shining effect you can try out pure lemon juice, while apply highlighting cranberry juice in case you have dark brown hair.
For Eyes
If you have dark circles under your eyes or you find your eyes with some puffiness, make sure you try applying cold water, ice cubes, wet tea bags, tea, milk or try out the slices of potatoes or cucumber. By trying any of these options for around 10 minutes, you can make your delicate and soft tissues normal from being tight and shrink. If you see your eyes pretty tired especially when you return from a hectic day at work, try using the saturated cotton piece along with cold or chilled milk and lie down for around 15 minutes. Then rinse to get the good feel. Or you can use ice cube based chamomile tea along with water instead of milk to get the necessary cool effects.
For Face and Skin care

You can get rid of the aging signs like lines and wrinkles over your forehead by using oils. Oil comprises of fatty acids similar to the one you see in your skin fat and hence competent to complement your face skin. If you have a small surface blackheads, you can exfoliate them using oatmeal or cornmeal or sea salt. And for people with deep seated blackheads, try applying a blend of two teaspoons of sesame oil, cornmeal along with yoghurt. Try applying them for seven days to get the best result.
Final Word
Trying these homemade kitchen based solutions can work wonder and that too without any side effect or fatal result. And above all you get them all at pretty minimal cost or no cost as most of these ingredients you use, you often find in your kitchen or your refrigerator. So what are you waiting for?
About the author: Kate is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and luxury. Besides this, she is fond of watches. She recently bought a watch from Skagen Watches latest collection. These days she is busy in witting an article on Bulimia nervosa for her blog DIY health.
Images Source: 1

How To Get Rid of Wrinkles and Dark Spots

How To Get Rid of Wrinkles and Dark Spots- Top 5 Ways

Yes, you may have a substitute for hair in the form of costume wigs but there is no way you can replace damaged skin. So, it is important that you take your skin care seriously.

If you are in field job and spend most of your time in the sun then you would surely notice freckles and brown spots on your face, sooner or later. This is result of the excess production of melanin, which is produced by the body naturally to shield the body against the harmful effects of UV rays. Without a doubt, sunscreen and regular exfoliation helps in preventing and fading out the dark spots and help you restore the original radiance. Read below to find out top 5 ways to fade out dark spots and freckles:

 1.  Home remedy: Mix the equal proportions of horseradish root, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Then apply this mixture using the cotton swab on dark spots and freckles. This magical portion will fade the dark spots and enhance the natural turnover process of the skin cells.

2.   Spice: Turmeric, a magical Indian spiced widely used in cooking is well known to reduce hyper pigmentation. Look for a cream that is rich in turmeric content. For full and best results use the cream twice a day.

3.  Vitamin B3: Is known to increase the turnover of the skin cells and slow down the pigmentation process. Prefer the serums and cream that have this supervitamin as their ingredient.

4.   Tri-luma and Renova:  Consult your doctor about Tri-luma and Renova, the two well known lightening creams. Renova and Retin A contains the similar active ingredient. Retin A is well known for treating acne-prone skin type, Renova is an emollient cream that helps in treating fine lines, wrinkles, roughness, stretch marks and dark spots. A perfect combination of hydroquinone and Retin A makes Tri-Luma. It is best anti-inflammatory cream.

5.   Laser treatment: Laser treatment though very beneficial is very expensive method to treat wrinkles and dark spots. Only two laser processes are known for treating dark spots: Fraxel and Medilite C6. Each session of Fraxel costs almost $1,00 and 3-6 sessions are must for the best results whereas Medilite C6 costs roughly $400 per session.

With these 5 simple and easy steps it is now possible to bid adieu to wrinkles, freckles and dark spots. Start using these tips now as it is never too late to make an attempt to look younger and beautiful. Or, the sunscreen by Neutrogena has been known to be very effective to keep your skin protected. Surprise your partner by making him wonder what is making you glow and look beautiful with each passing day.

What tips do you suggest ?