Tag Archives: Home remedies

6 Ways to use Potatoes for Skin Care

6 Ways to use Potatoes for Skin Care

6 Ways to use Potatoes for Skin Care

By Aakriti

We all desire flawless skin. While some beauty products do give us temporary results , I for one tend to stay away from chemicals. I prefer to use enzymes and chemicals present in natural foods to address my skin skin care needs.

One such holy grail product in my vanity is potatoes.

Since potatoes grow easily they are cheap as well as most likely to be organically grown. Potatoes are also packed with nourishing nutrients which can help address skin care needs if used in the proper way. Following is why potatoes are beneficial for the skin.

  • Potatoes contain potassium which helps to add moisture and hydrate the skin
  • They contain calcium which helps in healing dry skin
  • Calcium also helps to protect and renew the top layer of the skin
  • They contain an enzyme called catecholase which is responsible for reducing acne scars, blemishes and dark spots
  • They also contain magnesium which helps to fight free radicals which are responsible for causing wrinkles and fine lines
  • Topical application of potatoes provides some mild bleaching by reducing melanine production.

Below I have mentioned ways in which you can incorporate potatoes in your skin care routine-

1. For removing tan and achieving an even complexion

Cut a potato wedge and rub it in a circular motion all over the face. Let the juice sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. Alternatively, one can grate the potato and squeeze the juice. Apply this juice on the face and let it sit for 15 minutes before washing away with cold water.

The best time to do this is when using potatoes for cooking. This way you do not need to remember and prepare specially.

2. For treating dark circles

Grate about 1 tablespoon of potato. Apply the grated potato on the under eye area. Lay back and relax for 10 minutes. Wash with cold water. Regular application of this helps in lightening the dark circles significantly

3. Face mask for treating age spots and tan removal (dry skin)

Grate one potato and squeeze the juice from the grated potato. Mix one tablespoon of potato juice with two tablespoons of honey to prepare a face mask. Apply this evenly on face and neck. Sit back and relax for 20 minutes. You can combine this with the grated potato eye mask to use the entire potato at one time. Rinse away the mask after 20 minutes with cold water.

4. Face mask for treating age spots and tan removal (oily skin)

Grate one potato and squeeze the juice from the grated potato. Mix one tablespoon of potato juice with 1 tablespoon of fuller’s earth and 1 tablespoon of potato pulp to prepare a face mask. Apply this evenly on face and neck. Sit back and relax for 20 minutes. You can combine this with the grated potato eye mask to use the entire potato at one time. Rinse away the mask after 20 minutes with cold water.

5. Face mask for hyper pigmentation and tan removal

Grate one potato and squeeze the juice from the grated potato. Mix one tablespoon of potato juice with two tablespoons of tomato juice to prepare a face mask. Apply this evenly on face and neck. Sit back and relax for 20 minutes. You can combine this with the grated potato eye mask to use the entire potato at one time. Rinse away the mask after 20 minutes with cold water.

6. Face mask for glowing skin

Mix one tablespoon of potato pulp with one tablespoon of cucumber pulp. Add 1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1/2 a teaspoon of lemon juice. Add in a few drops of rose water for toning. Apply this mask for a maximum 10 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.

One important point to keep in mind- After using any treatment with potatoes, avoid direct sun exposure for at least 3-4 hours and always apply sunscreen. ( This is because topical application of potatoes leads to mild bleaching of the skin)

Have you tried any of these?

P.S.: Images from Google. I don’t own these

Benefits of Papaya for Skin and Hair

Benefits of Papaya for Skin and Hair

By Sanchita

Papaya is called the “The Fruit of the Angels” and it is a native to the tropical areas of Central America and Southern Mexico. Today, it is a popular fruit and often known as ‘papita’ in Hindi.

This amazing fruit is enriched in vitamins A, C, E and K and has various other antioxidant properties. Consuming the fruit will not only give you amazing skin and hair but it has various beauty benefits as well. It is applied on the skin and hair for natural beauty.

The various benefits and uses of Papaya for Skin are as follows –

Removal of sun tan – This is a common problem for summer. Our skin is prone to tanning and looks dull. The papaya has vitamins A and C in abundance along with a enzyme called ‘papain’. This helps to lighten the complexion, removing sun tan and dark spots with the passage of time. Simply make a thick paste of papaya and add honey and turmeric to it. Apply this face pack every day in a week and see how it improves the skin.

Skin hydration – Papaya is rich in water content and has various other elements as well which helps to keep the skin soft, smooth and moisturized. The hydration is smooth and will not clog the pores or make the skin look oily. Simply, blend ½ cup of ripe papaya into a fine paste, add honey and apply evenly on skin. Wash off after 20-25mins.

Anti-ageing – Papaya is anti-ageing in nature. It has vitamins C and E to rejuvenate the skin and the papaya skin has various enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. As a result, the age spots and wrinkles are prevented and removed. It also contains Retin-A which help reduce the signs of aging. Overall, you get younger looking skin with bright and radiant skin tone. Mash ½ cup of overripe papaya, add honey and yogurt and apply as a face mask. Wash off after 20-25 mins. You can also rub the skin of papaya for better results.

Prevention of acne and pimples – Papaya has an enzyme called papain that has natural skin- cleansing properties, which helps to get rid of clogged pores and greasiness. The exfoliating effect helps in preventing blackheads. The enzyme helps in preventing acne and improving the skin as well. It also helps to soothe the inflamed skin. Simply, apply a thin layer of ripe papaya pulp as face mask and leave on for 20mins. Wash off with cold water and pat the skin dry.

Brighten complexion and removal of dark spots – This is one of the most effective beauty benefits of papaya. The papain helps to lighten the dark spots, giving a bright and radiant complexion. It is known that papaya contains natural bleaching properties. The vitamin C has anti-oxidant properties and also helps in clearing the skin of impurities. Rub a fleshy part of ripe papaya every alternative days and wash off with cold water.

The various benefits and uses of Papaya for Hair are as follows –

Soft and healthy hair – The papaya is also very helpful for lustrous, healthy hair. It is enriched in several minerals, vitamins and enzymes that can improve hair growth and strength. Along with that, it will also help to thicken the hair and the protein in papaya reduces split ends. To prepare a papaya hair mask, blend a ripe papaya according to your hair length and mix with olive oil or almond oil. Apply this all over the hair, from root to tip and keep it for 30-40mins. Wash off with mild shampoo.

Reduces dandruff – Papaya helps in reducing dandruff and prevents dry scalp. It has various antifungal properties. Even the seeds of papaya prevents fungal infection. Blend ½ papaya with the seeds intact and apply the paste generously on the scalp. Leave it on for one hour and then shampoo as usual.

Caution –

  • Always do a patch test before using it on skin and hair.
  • Papaya can cause allergic reactions in some people, which might due to papain or the latex.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using excessive papaya.

Editor’s Note: Loved the DIY and tips Sanchita

Do you use papaya for your skin and hair?

10 Ways To Get Soft, Pink Lips Naturally | Lighten Dark Lips

10 Ways To Get Soft, Pink Lips Naturally | Lighten Dark Lips

Guest Post by Disha

Who doesn’t want soft, supple, pink lips? We all do! But instead most of us have to suffer with their dryness and pigmentation. This happens because we fail to take care of them. When your lips are dark and dry, they get itchy and you cannot even apply lipstick properly! No one is a fan of that I am sure. To get naturally pink lips one needs to take care of their lips and there are a lot of ways to that. And believe me they are all very easy and can blend into your skin care regime effortlessly. Apart from being doable they are so effective that you wouldn’t even need to use your MAC lipstick in the shade Please Me to give you the appearance of naturally soft and pink lips. So, here are 10 ways in which you can do so.

1. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is the key ladies! It helps get rid of dead skin and dirt. All you need is a toothbrush. Yes a toothbrush has more uses than just brushing your teeth. Just be careful that the one you choose has soft brittles so that it doesn’t hurt your lips. So wet your toothbrush a little and then gently rub it on your lips in circular motions.

2. Choose Lip Balm With SPF

As we all know the UV rays from the sun do harm our skin and for that we apply a sunscreen lotion but do we do something for our lips? No we don’t. Hence, always choose a lip balm that has a decent amount of SPF in it. This way your lips will be hydrated and at the same time protected.

3. Drink Water

I feel drinking water can solve most of your health problems. You need to keep your body hydrated. So drinking 6-8 glasses of water everyday is beneficial for your whole body. But when it comes to your lips, keeping yourself hydrated will moisturize them and make them supple.

4. Milk and Pomegranate

You know how pomegranates have a lot of pigment in them. So why not use them for your lips? This following method with lighten dark lips and give them a natural pink tone. Crush pomegranate seeds and add some cold milk in such a way that when mixed together, a paste like consistency is achieved. Then apply it to your lips. Let it stay and after around 10-15 minutes wash it off.

5. Removing Makeup

Yes we have all heard that never sleep with makeup on but how many of us really follow it? Before going to bed make sure that you have completely taken off the lip liner and lipstick and applied a lip balm. This will hydrate your lips throughout the night. Whereas keeping on lipstick all night long can darken your lips.

6. Lemon and Sugar

This one acts as a scrub as well lip-lightening agent. Take a lemon slice and put sugar on it. Then gently rub this on your lips. Lemon is a good bleaching agent hence it will lighten your lips whereas sugar will exfoliate it. So this combination is enough to make your lips pink.

7. Cucumber Slice

We all know cucumber is very cooling and has a soothing effect. So rub a cucumber slice on your lips which will instantly refresh them and make them pink on doing this frequently.

8. Aloe Vera Gel

This can act as a great lip balm. Take some aloe vera gel and store it in the refrigerator. It helps in soothing your lips, generating new cells and protects from harmful rays of the sun. You can just directly use it as a lip balm everyday.

9. Glycerin and Lemon Juice

Take 2-3 drops of lemon juice and glycerin and mix them together. Use this mixture as an overnight lip mask. While glycerin will hydrate your lips, lemon will lighten it.

10. Coriander Leaves

Take a few coriander leaves and crush them. You can also put in little water/milk if you like. Then apply it on your lips and let it stay for a while. After about 20-30 minutes, wash it off. Coriander leaves help in lightening your lips.

I told you all of them were easy ways! Weren’t they? They are very doable. Choose any method or methods and stick to them. Make sure whichever ones you choose, you follow them regularly for best results. Voila! You got yourself soft and pink lips.

Author Bio: Disha is a passionate health, fashion & beauty enthusiast. She is the founder and editor- in-chief of DivasWorld. Her blog, DivasWorld covers beauty, makeup, fashion and lots more!

August 2016 Globox Unboxing, Discount Code + Giveaway

August 2016 Globox Unboxing, Discount Code + Giveaway

Hi guys,

I am unboxing my August Globox today. If you don’t know about Globox, I have done a video and unboxing earlier HERE.

It’s a beauty subscription box which sends 4-5 full sized products every month and now they are also including few tea sachets and jewellery in their boxes. They send products as per your skin profile. You fill a questionnaire when you register with them and answer questions related to your skin and hair and also makeup preference. They send you products according to your beauty profile only and an expert note is a part of the box each month, which mentions why the particular product has been sent.

They also try to include more natural and organic brands, which I what I love.

Let’s see what all I got:

  • Makeup Revolution I Love Makeup Liquid Lipstick: INR 650
  • Soulflower Olive Oil: INR 300
  • O3+ Face Wash: INR 280
  • Fuschia Lavender Calendula Body Lotion: INR 450
  • Tea Treasures Tea Sachets

Total Value of the products: INR 1680

Buy the box HERE

MRP: INR 799

Get INR 100 off on this month’s box using the coupon code ‘IN100’
Get 10% off on 3,6 and 12 months subscription using ‘GLO10’

They have also included a jewellery item this month which I didn’t get coz I placed my order late, they will send it in next month’s box. These are total value for money, especially with the coupon code, you get the box for INR 699 and products worth about 1700-1800. I totally recommend GloBox and I am loving this month’s products!

I also have a giveaway going on, where one of my Youtube subscriber can win the August Globox, join on my Youtube channel.

Have you tried GloBox yet?

Summer Skin Care Tips & Home Remedies

Summer Skin Care Tips & Home Remedies

By Rashmi

Hello lovelies,

Summers are back and with a bang. Nobody likes summers as they bring with them innumerable skin woes. But don’t you people worry. I have got it all covered for you people with easy solutions to keep your skin fresh and glowing. Thank me later


Use sunscreen whenever you are going out and make sure it is at least SPF 30 or choose from what suits you. Sunscreens protect your skin from harmful UV rays and prevent it from getting damaged.


The cleanser helps to unclog pores and it should be used as a part of a skincare regimen. During summers it becomes even more important to use a cleanser as the skin becomes lifeless and the pores get clogged. Make your own cleanser by mixing yogurt and honey. Apply it on your face and let it stay for 20 minutes and then wash it off to get clear skin.


Exfoliation is a must for the skin. Dead skin needs to be removed as they make the face look dull. Make your own exfoliator by mixing oatmeal, honey, and milk. Apply it on the face and let it sit for 10 mins then start scrubbing the face gently with wet hands. Scrub slowly for 5 minutes and then wash it off with water.


Toners make you feel refreshed instantly. Make a refreshing toner by simply mixing cucumber juice with rosewater. Store it in the refrigerator to give it a longer life. Though use it only for a week and then make a new one. Carry it with yourself when going out. Spray it on your face to give your face instant relaxation.


This step is what many people avoid during summers. Change your moisturiser to an oil-free one. Moisturisers are required by the skin in every season. It becomes even more important to use a moisturiser after exfoliation to lock the nourishment back into the skin. Mix your night serum with your moisturiser and apply it to your face to give the skin all the goodness that it needs.


Drink as much water as you can. During summers this is certainly the most important thing. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. And do not wait for your mouth to get dry. Try drinking refreshing juices like watermelon juice or lemon water.


1. Rub ice all over your face to instantly soothe your skin. But make sure you cover it with a muslin cloth, never apply ice directly to your skin.

2. Apply calamine lotion to soothe skin rashes.

3. If you are out of toner, simply apply cold rosewater on your face to calm and soothe the skin.

4. Avoid oily and fried food. Include lots of fruits and veggies in your diet.

Editor’s Note: These are such basic things Rashmi, but we always tend to take them for granted. Articles like these remind me to follow things sincerely. One thing I would like to add and which I also follow is carrying a thermal spring water and spritzing it time and again, be it Avene, Vichy, La Roche Posay,etc.

Image Source: 1,2,Getty

Do you follow all these summer skin care tips?

Home Remedies For Glowing Skin


By Rashmi

Hello peeps,

I am back with another DIY solution for your skin. Glowing skin is what everybody desires. People spend so much money by going to parlours. Though the effect of parlour treatment is almost immediate,is it long lasting? I don’t think so. I prefer using ingredients from the kitchen which are readily available.These are absolutely natural ingredients and are safe. And these things give a glow to your face like no other parlour treatment can give. And guess what? The results are permanent. When at first my mother asked me to use homemade face masks instead of going to the parlour i laughed at that but now after using all these homemade masks I am sure I am not going to the parlour for facials.

And I am sure these home remedies for glowing skin are going to work for you guys as well.

Happy reading ☺

1. Honey and lemon juice –

In a bowl take 2tbsp honey and mix in it 1tbsp lemon. Mix it well. Apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.Wash it off with cold water. Lemon works as a natural bleach and honey gives instant radiance. One could also try applying just honey on the face. Honey and Lemon is perfect for removing your tan too.

2. Banana face mask-

In a bowl take half a banana(ripe),mix 1tbsp yogurt to it along with 1tbsp honey. Mix it well until the banana is mashed completely. You could add 2-3 drops of rosewater too. Now apply this face mask and leave it for 20-25 minutes before washing it off with water.Banana is best for getting glowing skin.

3. Tomato juice –

Simply mix tomato juice along with lemon and apply it on your face. Let it sit for 20minutes and then wash it off with plain water.Follow up with a good oil free moisturiser.

4. Olive oil or coconut oil-

People have this misconception that if they apply oil on their face, they will get pimples .This isn’t true. In fact either olive oil or coconut oil should be applied on the face for at least 10minutes before taking a shower. This is a really effective method to get that glow that you have always longed for.I follow this routine daily and this has worked effectively for me.

5. Potato and lemon juice-

Take the juice of half potato and mix in it about 1tbsp lemon juice. Apply this on your face daily for a week and you will be able to notice a beautiful glow on your face. Rub this mixture on your elbows too to get rid of dark elbows. This mix when used continuously for a week, will help get rid of all that stubborn tan.

6. Papaya face mask-

In a bowl take papaya and mash it well. Mix in it about 1tbsp honey, 1/2 tsp turmeric (you don’t want to be left with a yellow face instead of a glowing one) and 1tsp honey. Mix all the ingredients well and apply this on your face for 20 minutes and then wash it off. Apply rosewater on your face after that.

7. Milk and lemon-

Mix milk and lemon together. The milk should be unboiled. Apply this and you would get a radiant skin within a week. Milk helps to moisturise your skin and lemon helps in bleaching the skin naturally thus causing no side effect.

Additional tips-

1. For people with dry skin mix glycerine and rosewater and apply it on your face daily.

2. For people with oily skin mix gram flour(besan) with rosewater and apply daily. Alternatively fuller’s earth could also be used.

3. Apply aloe vera on your face daily .

4. Exfoliate your skin at least twice a week to get rid off the dead skin cells.

5. Always keep your skin hydrated and moisturised.

6. Always remove your makeup before going to sleep and apply your night cream.

7. Rub an ice cube on your face for an instant glow.

See more skincare tips/DIY HERE

Editor’s Note: These are easy and perfect everyday tips Rashmi. Glycerine and Rose water, I swear by. Even Fuller’s Earth, especially for summers.

Do you use these quick home remedies for that glowing skin? If not, do so now.

P.S: Images from Google.

How To Get Rid of Acne Naturally

How To Get Rid of Acne Naturally

By Rashmi

Hello girlies,

This is my first article in this space and i do hope that you all llike it . This being my first article I wanted to write about something that has troubled myself for years.Happy reading ☺

The most irritating thing about growing up is probably pimples.This had troubled me for years until i found a natural and permanent solution to cure it. Though natural remedies have a slower effect but they are permanent cures.I have been using these natural remedies for years and have a clear skin since then. So i thought of sharing these remedies with you all.

All you need to have is a bit of patience. I hope all these remedies works for you all as well. ☺

1. Fuller’s earth- In a bowl take about 4 tbsp of fuller’s earth. Mix 2tbsp of sandalwood powder and mix 1tbsp of turmeric powder into it. Add some rosewater and mix well. Apply this on the face and wash after half an hour. Continue using this face pack for 2 weeks to notice a difference.

2. Coriander leaves- Make a paste of coriander leaves and apply it on the effected area and leave it for 20-25minutes and then wash it off.Coriander leaves works effectively in curing acne.

3. Lemon- Mix lemon with honey and apply it on your face and leave it for half an hour and rinse off with cold water to get a clear skin.Lemon works great as a skin lightener too and is most effective in curing acne.

4. Garlic juice – Garlic juice is probably the most effective natural ingredient to cure acne, the only problem being that it stings really bad. Apply it for 15 mins and then rinse off with cold water and apply rosewater.

5. Black pepper – Mix crushed black pepper with rosewater. Apply on face and leave overnight. Wash it with lukewarm water in the morning.

6. Neem – Mix 2tbsp of neem powder, 1tbsp sandalwood powder and add a few drops of rosewater. Mix it well and apply it on your face. Let it dry and then wash it off.

7. Camphor – Camphor is known to cure acne.It reduces redness and itching. Mix 1–2 cubes of camphor (depending upon the size) and rose water and spray it on your face.This works as a great toner. This is the elixir for people with oily skin. Spray it on your face daily to get rid of acne.

Editor’s Note: I absolutely loved the tips Rashmi, never tried black pepper and camphor. Will surely give them a try

Have you tried these tips? What do you do to keep acne at bay?

P.S: Images from Google

Acne Scars – Causes, Prevention Measures and Home Remedies

Acne Scars – Causes, Prevention Measures and Home Remedies

By Archana

Hi all,

After many product reviews, I am back with an informative post today. Acne is one common skin condition that many people suffer from. Though it mostly occurs in teenagers, many adults too face it. In today’s post, I will explain the common causes for acne, prevention measures and some home remedies to cure acne scars.

What causes acne?

The four main reasons for acne are:

* Excessive oil production
* Dead skin cells
* Clogged pores
* Bacteria

When our body secretes excess sebum/oil, they build up in the hair follicles and form a soft plug, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive in. This bacterial infection causes inflammation eventually leading to pimples. Whiteheads and blackheads too are actually clogged pores with bacteria and oil.

Some factors like hormonal imbalance, certain foods, stress, etc can trigger or aggravate the acne conditions.

How to prevent the occurrence of acne?

It’s always better to prevent the occurrence of acne in the first place with some good skin care routine.

* Keep your face clean by washing your face atleast twice a day to remove impurities, dead skin cells and extra oil.
* Use a separate towel for your face.
* Change your pillow covers and bedsheets weekly.
* Avoid or limit the intake of deep-fried foods, dairy products, sugar, salty snacks and junk food.
* Avoid using oils, gels and fragrances on your hair.
* Wash your hair often as oily hair can add to the oil on your face.

Home remedies for acne scars:

When a pimple occurs, it can leave behind marks and scars. Though there are many pigmentation creams and anti-acne gels available in the market, home remedies are always more effective and with no side effects. Only thing, they need to be followed diligently for atleast two weeks to see improvement. Here is a list of easy remedies at home to cure acne scars:

Lemon mask for acne scars:

* Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
* Honey – 1tbsp
* Milk – 2 tbsp
* Rose water – 1 tbsp

Mix all the above together and using a cotton wool apply on the acne scars. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent which helps lighten the scars. The rose water helps to soothe the tingling sensation caused due to lemon.

Aloe vera gel for acne scars:

Extract fresh aloe vera gel from the plant and apply on face. You can leave it overnight. Do it regularly for two weeks for the acne scars to fade. Aloe vera not only soothes inflammation but also helps in regenerating damaged tissues and speeds up the healing process.

Cucumber and gram flour face pack for acne scars:

* Half a cucumber
* Gram flour – 2 tbsp
* Turmeric powder – 1 tbsp

Blend the cucumber into a smooth paste. Add the gram flour and turmeric powder and apply as a face pack. Leave for 20-25 minutes and then wash off. This treatment is good for sensitive skin also to get rid of acne scars.

Potato and tomato mask for acne scars:

* Half a potato
* Half a tomato
* Honey – 1 tbsp

Grate the potato and extract the juice from it. Blend the tomato into a fine paste. Add the potato juice and a teaspoon of honey. Apply this mix all over your face and wash off after 15 minutes. Tomatoes contain the enzyme lycopene which help to lighten pimple marks. Potatoes also have skin lightening and bleaching properties.

Cinnamon and honey mask for acne scars:

Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to one teaspoon of honey and apply on your acne scars. Leave it for an hour and then wash off. This mixture has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which is effective in treating the acne.

Tea tree oil for acne scars:

This is a proven remedy for reducing acne scars. Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral essential oil. Just dilute some tea tree essential oil in water and apply this solution on your acne scars everyday. Leave it overnight. Follow it regularly to see visible reduction in scars and blemishes.

Apple cider vinegar for acne scars:

ACV is a natural astringent and balances the pH level of your skin. It is effective in the treatment of acne too. Mix 1 part of apple cider vinegar with 1 part of water and 1 teaspoon of honey. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply on scars. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off. Do this once daily.

Sandalwood and orange face pack for acne scars:

* Sandalwood powder – 2 tbsp
* Orange peel powder – 2 tbsp
* Rose water – 2 tbsp

Mix all the above into a fine paste and apply as a face pack. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash off. According to Ayurveda, sandalwood is a effective soothing and cooling agent to treat skin inflammations. Orange peel powder helps to lighten the marks.

So these are some of the home remedies you can follow to cure acne scars, pimple marks and blemishes.

Editor’s Note: This was a really well written post Archana and the remedies are fab. I think I always stick to Aloe Vera Gel and the fuller’s earth, sandalwood mix. I will surely try the other home remedies mentioned by you.

Which ones have you tried? Share your experiences below.

P.S: Pics from Google

Fashion Haul: Myntra, Forever21, StalkBuyLove, ShopBop

Fashion Haul: Myntra, Forever21, StalkBuyLove, ShopBop

Hi guys,

So I shopped a lot of things recently, this is the first haul video, I believe more are coming soon 😀

Since Myntra is on App and Forever 21 was bought in the store, I am not mentioning those. I have already mentioned the price of all the items from there in the video.


Jeffrey Campbell Metallic Silver Flats
Pineapple Print Soludos


Lace Kimono Shrug (Rs.899/-)
Orange Bucket Bag (Rs.1899/-)

I hope you liked the video, let me know your favourite in the comments below 🙂

Also, my twitter, Instagram and Snapchat id is @bhumika_t, follow for more regular updates 😀

Ten quick face packs for the winter

Ten quick face packs for the winter

As you enjoy the dipping temperature of the winter, pay a little attention to your skin as well. Here are 10 quick and effective face packs to keep your skin fresh and healthy.

Winter calls for extra care for your skin. While the rest of your body is bundled up, your face is exposed 24 hours a day, and so it takes the brunt of the harsh climate most of all and requires additional pampering apart from the usual day and night creams.

Homemade face packs are simple to make and easy to apply. All you need are the ingredients from your fridge or larder; the fresher, the better!

10 quick face packs for the winter

1. Papaya pack – Cut a ripe papaya into pieces after removing the skin. Mash it with your fingers or a fork, apply on your face and rinse off after ten minutes with cold water.

2. Grape pack – Mash some grapes into a pulp, apply on the face and leave on for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse off. Strawberries can also be used instead of grapes.

3. Milk cream (malai) mask – Collect malai from the milk, apply carefully on the face, avoiding eyes and keep on for about ten minutes. Rinse off, first with warm water, then cold water.

4. Coconut milk mask – Grate a fresh coconut, then grind it with very little water to extract thick milk. Spread it on the face for fifteen minutes for best results, rinse face with cold water.

5. Avocado mask – Mash a few pieces cut from an avocado and spread it on the face and neck for fifteen minutes. Wash off with cold water.

6. Honey face pack – Mix one teaspoon of rose water with two tablespoons of honey and apply to face and neck. Honey makes the skin soft and is good for dry skin.

7. Honey and lime juice pack – Take two teaspoons each of honey and lime juice and leave on the face for ten to fifteen minutes. Alternatively, yogurt can be used in place of lime juice. Wash off after 15 minutes.

8. Aloe gel mask – Extract fresh aloe vera from a juicy leaf and apply to the face. Leave on for fifteen minutes and then splash face with cold water. This mask may irritate sensitive skin so test it first on the arm.

9. Carrot honey mask – Take twice the quantity of honey as compared to carrot juice, mix well and apply on face and neck. Keep it for twenty minutes.

10. Almond oil mask – Mix a little almond oil with milk cream or malai and leave on the face for at least ten minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This is not suitable for oily skin.

What do you use in winters ??

Source: 1