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7 Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Toned Legs, Indian Fitness Blog, Exercises at Home for Toned Legs

7 Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Toned Legs

7 Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Toned Legs

By Nidhal

Whatever be the attire, if you have got a pair of sculpted and toned legs to flaunt, it’s going to be a much-needed icing on the cake. When it comes to Western wear particularly those that reveal one’s legs such as- shirt dresses, skirts, hot pants, capris or even an itsy-bitsy two-piece, a pair of toned legs is a sight to behold. Given the paucity of time at hand, here is a rundown on some easy exercises that you can incorporate in your life to leave you with a pair of absolutely enviable toned legs.

Awaken the fitness freak in you!

1. SQUATS- You would have probably heard that squats are the key to tighter and toned butts. They are. What’s lesser known is that squats also leave you with absolutely drool-worthy legs that you just can’t stop looking at with sheep’s eyes. Squats assist in building muscles (including one’s quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves). Simply stand with your feet apart, roughly as much as the distance between both your shoulders. Stand straight- this is the MOST important point. If done erroneously, it will undermine your entire body posture. Bend over your knees and make a 90 degrees angle. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Increase the frequency with experience and ease.

2. SKATER LUNGE- To do this exercise, you need to have a considerable hold on your body that is, balance. Don’t fret, you don’t need to be an expert, just a little control on your posture. How to do this? Cross your right leg behind your left leg as you bend your left knee into a half-squat position. Extend your left arm out to the side, and swing your right arm across your hips. Hop a few feet directly to the right, switching the position of your legs and arms. Done? Great, that’s one rep. Continue hopping from side to side till you reach 10 reps. Increase the frequency overtime.

3. LEG LIFTS- This one’s a cakewalk! Simply lie flat on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you. Now, bend your knees, straighten your legs and straighten your legs until your feet are pointed at the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds and that’s it. One rep is completed! Didn’t I tell you it was a piece of cake? Increase the frequency as you get accustomed to it.

4. HIP BRIDGE- The bridge (also known as the hip raise) is an excellent exercise for strengthening the back of the legs as well as the core. Please do not do this you have back injuries. To those who don’t, doing this is a cakewalk. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then, raise your hips in such a way that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Pause and then slowly lower your body back to the floor. That’s it! You have aced one rep.

5. STANDING FORWARD BEND/UTTANASANA- Here comes an asana from a centuries-long science of healing and well-being- Yoga that would leave you with sculpted legs in no time. If you have any back injuries, please do not give it a shot. Uttanasana looks arduous yet once developed a hang of, it becomes a cakewalk. All you need to do is keep your knees straight, place your fingertips or palms on the floor beside your feet, or touch the back of your ankles with your palms. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and revert to the original posture.

6. WARRIOR POSE 3/VIRBHADRAASANA – Another Yoga asana to your rescue, Virbhadrasana helps one battle cellulite. Simply lift your left leg backwards as you inhale, extend your hands, ensure that your back is straight and once your left leg and hands are completely horizontal, exhale. That’s all, wasn’t it cushy?

7. LOW LUNGE- This exercise not only works on one’s legs but also aligns the back incredibly. All that needs to be done is extend one’s leg (say-left) backwards while keeping the other one (right)bent. Then, clasp your hands together and stretch upwards as much as you can.

Image Source: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Editor’s Note: That’s a much needed post Nidhal, thanks for this.

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