Tag Archives: how to lighten lips at home

10 Ways To Get Soft, Pink Lips Naturally | Lighten Dark Lips, Beauty Tips, Home Remedies

10 Ways To Get Soft, Pink Lips Naturally | Lighten Dark Lips

10 Ways To Get Soft, Pink Lips Naturally | Lighten Dark Lips

Guest Post by Disha

Who doesn’t want soft, supple, pink lips? We all do! But instead most of us have to suffer with their dryness and pigmentation. This happens because we fail to take care of them. When your lips are dark and dry, they get itchy and you cannot even apply lipstick properly! No one is a fan of that I am sure. To get naturally pink lips one needs to take care of their lips and there are a lot of ways to that. And believe me they are all very easy and can blend into your skin care regime effortlessly. Apart from being doable they are so effective that you wouldn’t even need to use your MAC lipstick in the shade Please Me to give you the appearance of naturally soft and pink lips. So, here are 10 ways in which you can do so.

1. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is the key ladies! It helps get rid of dead skin and dirt. All you need is a toothbrush. Yes a toothbrush has more uses than just brushing your teeth. Just be careful that the one you choose has soft brittles so that it doesn’t hurt your lips. So wet your toothbrush a little and then gently rub it on your lips in circular motions.

2. Choose Lip Balm With SPF

As we all know the UV rays from the sun do harm our skin and for that we apply a sunscreen lotion but do we do something for our lips? No we don’t. Hence, always choose a lip balm that has a decent amount of SPF in it. This way your lips will be hydrated and at the same time protected.

3. Drink Water

I feel drinking water can solve most of your health problems. You need to keep your body hydrated. So drinking 6-8 glasses of water everyday is beneficial for your whole body. But when it comes to your lips, keeping yourself hydrated will moisturize them and make them supple.

4. Milk and Pomegranate

You know how pomegranates have a lot of pigment in them. So why not use them for your lips? This following method with lighten dark lips and give them a natural pink tone. Crush pomegranate seeds and add some cold milk in such a way that when mixed together, a paste like consistency is achieved. Then apply it to your lips. Let it stay and after around 10-15 minutes wash it off.

5. Removing Makeup

Yes we have all heard that never sleep with makeup on but how many of us really follow it? Before going to bed make sure that you have completely taken off the lip liner and lipstick and applied a lip balm. This will hydrate your lips throughout the night. Whereas keeping on lipstick all night long can darken your lips.

6. Lemon and Sugar

This one acts as a scrub as well lip-lightening agent. Take a lemon slice and put sugar on it. Then gently rub this on your lips. Lemon is a good bleaching agent hence it will lighten your lips whereas sugar will exfoliate it. So this combination is enough to make your lips pink.

7. Cucumber Slice

We all know cucumber is very cooling and has a soothing effect. So rub a cucumber slice on your lips which will instantly refresh them and make them pink on doing this frequently.

8. Aloe Vera Gel

This can act as a great lip balm. Take some aloe vera gel and store it in the refrigerator. It helps in soothing your lips, generating new cells and protects from harmful rays of the sun. You can just directly use it as a lip balm everyday.

9. Glycerin and Lemon Juice

Take 2-3 drops of lemon juice and glycerin and mix them together. Use this mixture as an overnight lip mask. While glycerin will hydrate your lips, lemon will lighten it.

10. Coriander Leaves

Take a few coriander leaves and crush them. You can also put in little water/milk if you like. Then apply it on your lips and let it stay for a while. After about 20-30 minutes, wash it off. Coriander leaves help in lightening your lips.

I told you all of them were easy ways! Weren’t they? They are very doable. Choose any method or methods and stick to them. Make sure whichever ones you choose, you follow them regularly for best results. Voila! You got yourself soft and pink lips.

Author Bio: Disha is a passionate health, fashion & beauty enthusiast. She is the founder and editor- in-chief of DivasWorld. Her blog, DivasWorld covers beauty, makeup, fashion and lots more!