Tag Archives: How to reduce acne

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Treating AcneHow to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Treating Acne

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Treating Acne

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Treating Acne

By Sanchita

Acne and severe breakouts are worrisome. You have to make sure that the acne stops reoccurring time and again and also have to do something about the scars and blemishes thereafter. There are numerous home remedies, drugstore and various other products available in the market that claims to work on acne but finding that efficient one that will work on your skin is surely a gruesome task.

In today’s post, we are going to elaborate how hydrogen peroxide is used for treating acne. Also, keep in mind the side effects if you are using it in the wrong method.


Hydrogen Peroxide is mild bleach that work wonders for acne prone skin. If you are suffering from severe acne situation, this is the solution. It is anti-bacterial in nature and thus helps to kills the bacteria that cause acne and pimples. As we are all aware of the fact that acne is caused when your skin produces excess sebum, Hydrogen Peroxide works as a drying agent on the skin. It soaks up the excess oil from the skin and helps the pimples to dry out quickly.

Hydrogen peroxide loses its extra oxygen atom when applied to the skin. It takes an oxidization process which helps to create unfavourable bacterial environment, thereby stop the growth of bacteria and prevents acne. It is also helpful in peeling of the skin whereby the dead skin cells are exfoliated, revealing newer and healthier skin.

Also Read: More DIY posts HERE


Hydrogen Peroxide is also found in various cosmetic products. As we have mentioned before that Hydrogen Peroxide is a chemical and it may harm the skin if you are using it wrong. The most important aspect is to but the right percentage of the product. One must never use Hydrogen Peroxide of more than 3% concentration on the skin. If you have bought more than that, make sure you add up adequate amount of water to it to bring down the concentration to 3%.


1) To start the procedure, take off every layer of makeup or any other skin care products from the skin and wash off with a very mild cleanser. Make sure you massage the skin in circular motion with a cleanser to increase the blood circulation.

2) Next, you have to steam the face. This step is not needed for sensitive skin though. Take the steam from the boiling water (maintaining the right distance from the water container) and don’t steam the face for more than 5-6 mins. Do not pat dry the face post steaming.

3) Once the steaming is done, rub an ice cubes or splash the face with cold water to close the pores.

4) Take  hydrogen peroxide (not more than 3% concentration) and a clean and sterilized cotton swab. Dip the cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and apply onto the affected acne areas. You may feel a slight tingling sensation. Once done, do not touch or wash the skin for some time to let the solution get absorbed naturally.

5) After 4-5 mins when the hydrogen peroxide has been absorbed by the skin, apply an oil free light moisturizer. Make sure that the light moisturizer is non-comedogenic and non-greasy.


  • If you have sensitive skin, consult your doctor before applying Hydrogen peroxide
  • The drying effect of hydrogen peroxide can be severe on the skin so be careful when you use and make sure you apply the right amount.
  • You cannot use this too often, it will dry out the skin.
  • The concentration should never exceed more than 3%.
  • If you experience severe itching, burning sensation, redness etc. then it is advised to stop the treatment right away.
  • Do not use hydrogen peroxide near your eyes.

Will you try using hydrogen peroxide for treating acne?

Stubborn acne? Avoid these 5 foods! Results in a month!

Stubborn acne? Avoid these 5 foods! Results in a month!

By Ankita

Let’s start with a scenario today. It’s a beautiful morning and your alarm goes off. You wake up to a fresh new beautiful day, get off the bed, go to your bathroom, look at the mirror. And, there it is another tiny little bump on your face. Darn it!!! Not now! Not today! You got your big meeting at 11 and date at 8! You have tried every little thing. Serums, treatments even the dermats know you by name now.

Frustrating isn’t it? Been there, done that. Although my acne story was much different, as I never (touchwood) faced severe acne, but one of my closest cousins did. Last month she got married and we haven’t had been in touch for about a year lately. I don’t exactly know what magic potion worked for her but, there she was on her marriage day, without a bump on her face (before makeup) and glowing. I couldn’t help but ask her, what really worked for her.

Me: Hey, like…what did you eat? I mean you look gorgeous girl, not that you didn’t before but your acne problem..?

She: Haha..Nope ask me what I DID NOT eat.

Me: Okay, go on!! I am all ears.

And the conversation went on…

However me being the curious little Nancy Drew that I am, did a little bit of my own research to testify her words, and guess what? She was right

So, my lovelies here is my list of top 5 baddie food you should avoid when going through bouts of acne.


Well, this is called the process off elimination. If you can’t find out what is causing your acne outbursts, try eliminating some food items from your diet that have a bad reputation of triggering acne. Otherwise healthy, these 5 foods can worsen existing acne.

1. Fast Food

I bet you love your plate of ‘Gol gappa’ and ‘Aloo tikka chaat’ with extra Mirchi. But hold on their sweetheart. Did you know greasy fast foods will leads to body inflammation that causes pimples appear?

Includes: Fish & Chips, Pizza, Burger, Fried chicken, Sausages, Noodles, Pasta, Noodles, Snacks & Desserts: Hot-dogs, Donuts, Potato chips, French fries, Crisps, Popcorn etc

2. Sugar

We all have our sweet tooth, and sometimes it’s too hard to resist. Excessive sugar intake shoots up your blood sugar level causing pimples. Try to avoid candy bars, sugary drinks as well as other sweets saturated with sugar. Follow this with dedication and you will soon see a major difference.

Includes: Sugars, Syrups & Sweeteners, Drink Powders & Soft Drinks, candies, cookies, pies and unfortunately everything yum!!!

3. Cow Milk

Cow’s milk not only shoots up blood sugar levels leading to pimples, it also leads to growth in hormones resulting in overgrowth of skin cell that leads to blocked pores. So, you might just want to avoid dairy products for a while and check if it does any good for your skin condition.

Includes: milk, cheese, yogurt, other cultured dairy foods, ice cream etc.

4. Coffee

Nothing wakes you up better than a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Ahh, the smell! But hold that thought. Science has shown that an organic acid inside coffee beans that raises cortisol levels.

Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, can act like an androgen. It stimulates sebaceous glands and inflammation, a.k.a PIMPLES. You might want to skip that and check for some results

Includes: Expresso, mocha, latte, cappuccino, even the decaf versions

5. Soy:

Soy is one of the richest sources of protein you can lay your hands on. The natural plant oestrogen is found in soybeans. “Phytoestrogens” which are otherwise good, mimic natural oestrogen levels and play around with our hormones. Result? Acne and more acne. So if you are experiencing any bumps around your mouth and chin, the culprit MIGHT be soy.

Includes: Soybeans, soy milk, soy sauce, soybean oil, tofu etc.


Not at all. All I am saying is, eating in moderation never hurts. Once you find out what triggers your acne, yes you definitely have to cut it out from your diet sweet heart.


1. Visit a good dermatologist, home remedies and DIYs do work, however, common guys those guys have sweated their brains out in med school for 5 years. Let’s give them some credit.

2. Keep your skin as well as belongings clean. Do not let any product build up on your face, neck as well as other affected areas. It is equally important to keep your sheets and phone germ-free.

3. Avoid using a lot of makeup ( I recommend no makeup at all!!!) for the time being. Although a lot of companies claim to be safe to use on any skin type, it is always better to let your skin breathe. Give it time to heal.

4. Check your stress levels. Now this one is the most difficult, at least for me. You all must be thinking “better said than done”. This one is coming from a person who has years of history of anxiety and depression on her sleeves. What helped? Yoga, meditation, and good life practices. Before I was a Life Coach, I used to be a wacko. If I can do it, you can too.

5. Keep your scalp clean and dandruff free.

6. Finally, have patience. I get it. I totally do. Dealing with acne can be a lot irritating, but don’t let that put you down. It might be difficult, not irreversible. And you cares if you have acne or not, you are gorgeous anyway!!

Hakuna Matata baby!!!

Any comments, suggestions and ideas are always welcome 🙂

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring” – Marilyn Monroe

Editor’s Note: That’s a nice and informative post Ankita

Do you suffer from stubborn acne? Try eliminating these from your diet, I am sure you see a difference!

Acne Scars – Causes, Prevention Measures and Home Remedies

Acne Scars – Causes, Prevention Measures and Home Remedies

By Archana

Hi all,

After many product reviews, I am back with an informative post today. Acne is one common skin condition that many people suffer from. Though it mostly occurs in teenagers, many adults too face it. In today’s post, I will explain the common causes for acne, prevention measures and some home remedies to cure acne scars.

What causes acne?

The four main reasons for acne are:

* Excessive oil production
* Dead skin cells
* Clogged pores
* Bacteria

When our body secretes excess sebum/oil, they build up in the hair follicles and form a soft plug, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive in. This bacterial infection causes inflammation eventually leading to pimples. Whiteheads and blackheads too are actually clogged pores with bacteria and oil.

Some factors like hormonal imbalance, certain foods, stress, etc can trigger or aggravate the acne conditions.

How to prevent the occurrence of acne?

It’s always better to prevent the occurrence of acne in the first place with some good skin care routine.

* Keep your face clean by washing your face atleast twice a day to remove impurities, dead skin cells and extra oil.
* Use a separate towel for your face.
* Change your pillow covers and bedsheets weekly.
* Avoid or limit the intake of deep-fried foods, dairy products, sugar, salty snacks and junk food.
* Avoid using oils, gels and fragrances on your hair.
* Wash your hair often as oily hair can add to the oil on your face.

Home remedies for acne scars:

When a pimple occurs, it can leave behind marks and scars. Though there are many pigmentation creams and anti-acne gels available in the market, home remedies are always more effective and with no side effects. Only thing, they need to be followed diligently for atleast two weeks to see improvement. Here is a list of easy remedies at home to cure acne scars:

Lemon mask for acne scars:

* Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
* Honey – 1tbsp
* Milk – 2 tbsp
* Rose water – 1 tbsp

Mix all the above together and using a cotton wool apply on the acne scars. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent which helps lighten the scars. The rose water helps to soothe the tingling sensation caused due to lemon.

Aloe vera gel for acne scars:

Extract fresh aloe vera gel from the plant and apply on face. You can leave it overnight. Do it regularly for two weeks for the acne scars to fade. Aloe vera not only soothes inflammation but also helps in regenerating damaged tissues and speeds up the healing process.

Cucumber and gram flour face pack for acne scars:

* Half a cucumber
* Gram flour – 2 tbsp
* Turmeric powder – 1 tbsp

Blend the cucumber into a smooth paste. Add the gram flour and turmeric powder and apply as a face pack. Leave for 20-25 minutes and then wash off. This treatment is good for sensitive skin also to get rid of acne scars.

Potato and tomato mask for acne scars:

* Half a potato
* Half a tomato
* Honey – 1 tbsp

Grate the potato and extract the juice from it. Blend the tomato into a fine paste. Add the potato juice and a teaspoon of honey. Apply this mix all over your face and wash off after 15 minutes. Tomatoes contain the enzyme lycopene which help to lighten pimple marks. Potatoes also have skin lightening and bleaching properties.

Cinnamon and honey mask for acne scars:

Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to one teaspoon of honey and apply on your acne scars. Leave it for an hour and then wash off. This mixture has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which is effective in treating the acne.

Tea tree oil for acne scars:

This is a proven remedy for reducing acne scars. Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral essential oil. Just dilute some tea tree essential oil in water and apply this solution on your acne scars everyday. Leave it overnight. Follow it regularly to see visible reduction in scars and blemishes.

Apple cider vinegar for acne scars:

ACV is a natural astringent and balances the pH level of your skin. It is effective in the treatment of acne too. Mix 1 part of apple cider vinegar with 1 part of water and 1 teaspoon of honey. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply on scars. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off. Do this once daily.

Sandalwood and orange face pack for acne scars:

* Sandalwood powder – 2 tbsp
* Orange peel powder – 2 tbsp
* Rose water – 2 tbsp

Mix all the above into a fine paste and apply as a face pack. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash off. According to Ayurveda, sandalwood is a effective soothing and cooling agent to treat skin inflammations. Orange peel powder helps to lighten the marks.

So these are some of the home remedies you can follow to cure acne scars, pimple marks and blemishes.

Editor’s Note: This was a really well written post Archana and the remedies are fab. I think I always stick to Aloe Vera Gel and the fuller’s earth, sandalwood mix. I will surely try the other home remedies mentioned by you.

Which ones have you tried? Share your experiences below.

P.S: Pics from Google