Tag Archives: Indian makeup and beauty blog

Nature's Essence Diamond Bleach Review, Price, Buy Online

Nature’s Essence Diamond Bleach Review, Price, Buy Online

Nature’s Essence Diamond Bleach Review, Price, Buy Online

By Archana

Hi all,

After trying some of Nature’s Essence products and satisfied with it, I got their diamond bleach. In olden days, we just had regular bleaches. Now they have different variants like gold bleach, diamond bleach, fruit bleach, etc. I had already tried VLCC Diamond Bleach and loved it. So thought of giving Nature’s Essence Diamond Bleach a try. Read on to know my experience with it.

Products claims: Nature’s Diamond Bleach Cream is formulated to give natural skin glow, improved texture and fairer complexion. Its active ingredients not only lighten the skin but also nourish it with goodness of nature. It blends facial hair, cleanses pores, removes impurities and fades facial blemishes from deep within makes your skin fairer & outshines as never before. It generates and allows enough penetration of oxygen into your skin and gives you diamond like radiance.

Key Ingredients:

Cream: Hydrogen Peroxide, Sunflower oil, Almond oil

Activator: Ammonium Bicarbonate

Price and quantity: Rs.65 for 43g (35g cream bleach, 8g activator powder) (BUY HERE)

Directions to use: Mix 2 spatulas of bleach cream and 2 pinches of activator powder together. Make sure the ratio is not less than 4(cream):1(activator). Keep stirring bleach cream and activator for 2 mins, till powder dissolves completely. Apply the mixture on desired areas. Avoid eye brows and area around eyes. Keep the mixture on skin for atleast 10-15 mins. Use normal water to clean.

Packaging: It comes in a white cardboard box, inside which there are two small plastic tubs. One contains the bleach cream and other contains the activator. The directions of use are all mentioned clearly in the outer packaging. There is no pre or post-bleach creams provided. A small plastic spatula is also provided. However, all these plastic spatulas, I usually find them very light and of less quality. So I end up using my own spoons. I wish they could give better quality spatulas with these creams.

Texture and fragrance: The cream is white in color with a mild fragrance. The activator powder smells strong as usual due to presence of ammonium bicarbonate. Reminds me of my chemistry lab sessions 😉

My experience:

I mixed the cream and activator powder in ratio 4:1. After mixing it thoroughly, I applied it on my face. There were some remaining and I applied on my foot as well to brighten it up :D. I waited for 10 minutes. And then washed it off. I didn’t face any irritation or breakouts. Nature’s Essence products I realize are generally milder than the other ones. After washing, my face felt clean and brighter. My foot which had lot of tan also was brightened to some extent. It also helped to lighten facial hair. One important thing to note while using bleaches is, always use it in the ratio mentioned and don’t exceed the mentioned time. Else you might end up with very lightened hair which doesn’t suit your skin tone and looks more visible.


* Gentle bleaching cream.

* Makes face clean and bright.

* Reduces tan to an extent.

* Affordable.


* Pre or post bleach cream not provided.

Rating: 4.2/5

Verdict: Nature’s Essence Diamond Bleach is an affordable and gentle bleaching option available. Compared to bleaches from other brands, this suits even sensitive skin and doesn’t cause any irritation or redness. So those who are interested in bleaching can give this a try.

Summer Skin Care Tips & Home Remedies

Summer Skin Care Tips & Home Remedies

By Rashmi

Hello lovelies,

Summers are back and with a bang. Nobody likes summers as they bring with them innumerable skin woes. But don’t you people worry. I have got it all covered for you people with easy solutions to keep your skin fresh and glowing. Thank me later


Use sunscreen whenever you are going out and make sure it is at least SPF 30 or choose from what suits you. Sunscreens protect your skin from harmful UV rays and prevent it from getting damaged.


The cleanser helps to unclog pores and it should be used as a part of a skincare regimen. During summers it becomes even more important to use a cleanser as the skin becomes lifeless and the pores get clogged. Make your own cleanser by mixing yogurt and honey. Apply it on your face and let it stay for 20 minutes and then wash it off to get clear skin.


Exfoliation is a must for the skin. Dead skin needs to be removed as they make the face look dull. Make your own exfoliator by mixing oatmeal, honey, and milk. Apply it on the face and let it sit for 10 mins then start scrubbing the face gently with wet hands. Scrub slowly for 5 minutes and then wash it off with water.


Toners make you feel refreshed instantly. Make a refreshing toner by simply mixing cucumber juice with rosewater. Store it in the refrigerator to give it a longer life. Though use it only for a week and then make a new one. Carry it with yourself when going out. Spray it on your face to give your face instant relaxation.


This step is what many people avoid during summers. Change your moisturiser to an oil-free one. Moisturisers are required by the skin in every season. It becomes even more important to use a moisturiser after exfoliation to lock the nourishment back into the skin. Mix your night serum with your moisturiser and apply it to your face to give the skin all the goodness that it needs.


Drink as much water as you can. During summers this is certainly the most important thing. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. And do not wait for your mouth to get dry. Try drinking refreshing juices like watermelon juice or lemon water.


1. Rub ice all over your face to instantly soothe your skin. But make sure you cover it with a muslin cloth, never apply ice directly to your skin.

2. Apply calamine lotion to soothe skin rashes.

3. If you are out of toner, simply apply cold rosewater on your face to calm and soothe the skin.

4. Avoid oily and fried food. Include lots of fruits and veggies in your diet.

Editor’s Note: These are such basic things Rashmi, but we always tend to take them for granted. Articles like these remind me to follow things sincerely. One thing I would like to add and which I also follow is carrying a thermal spring water and spritzing it time and again, be it Avene, Vichy, La Roche Posay,etc.

Image Source: 1,2,Getty

Do you follow all these summer skin care tips?

Vichy Ideal White Meta Whitening Sleeping Mask Review

Vichy Ideal White Meta Whitening Sleeping Mask Review

Hey guys,

I have used the previous Vichy Sleeping Mask i.e. the Vichy Aqualia Thermal Night Spa which I absolutely loved. So I was curious to try this new one.

What the Company claims: The range employs metabolic whitening with powerful active ingredients that work in harmony with each other to give Asian women the three dimensional fairness that they strive for – flawless, luminous and radiant skin. The 1st whitening sleeping mask three times more effective that works overnight for a dewy, brighter and fairer skin.

Product Concern:

• Hyper-pigmentation.

• Dull complexion.

• Sensitive skin.

• Hydration

MRP: Rs.2350/- for 75ml


First of, I am not happy with the ‘Whitening’ tag it has. They can claim dewy, luminous, brighter, radiant skin and all that which they have but why whitening :/

It comes in a white glass tub with a pink cap and a mirror finish top. The mask is gel like in texture with a light pink tint and small tiny white beads in it. The beads are not meant for exfoliation, they dissolve on the skin when you massage the gel on your skin.

It has an aquatic plus a little chemically smell, not very pleasant. I like the gel based texture, that makes it very easy to glide on and massage. It can be used as a night cream or a night sleeping mask, either way the method of application is the same, just as a mask, you need to apply a little thicker layer.

As a night cream, it doesn’t get absorbed into your skin. It just sits on your face like a mask, and you have to wash it off the next morning. So ideally it is a mask only.

Now I have been using it on and off and stopped in between for a few days coz I broke out twice in between and had to see if this product is breaking me out. I once tried it as a mask during the day and kept it on and after 15-20 minutes, my skin was feeling a little itchy and hence I had to wash it off. I realized this mask was breaking me out earlier too, hence the delay in review.

There is some ingredient in the mask that does not go well with my skin and my skin starts feeling itchy and it breaks me out. So now I use it as a normal mask, apply and keep it on for 10 minutes and wash it off, I do not keep it ON for whole night.

If you have sensitive skin, I would not advise you to try this. This is good for dry skin and skin instantly feels hydrated and nourished even in 10-15 minutes. It definitely removes your tan and gives a translucent sheen to your skin which I love. I wish my skin didn’t react to this.

If I had to pick one out of the two Vichy Sleeping Masks I have tried, I liked the Aqualia Thermal Night Spa more.

Overall I would say, it is definitely amazing to remove tan and hydrate your skin, it does give a nice glow, but obviously temporary, you have to keep using it to see results. It does give a dewy, brighter skin as it claims. If you use it 2-3 times a week, that would be good enough. I recommend it for normal to dry skin. Though it mentions ideal for sensitive skin, I would not suggest it for them, unless you check the ingredients and are aware if your skin reacts to a particular ingredient.

Have you tried the Vichy Ideal White Meta Whitening Sleeping Mask yet?

P.S: PR Sample. Honest Review

Step By Step Description of How to Do Hair Spa At Home

Step By Step Description of How to Do Hair Spa At Home

By Sanchita

The idea behind the hair spa is to rejuvenate and protect the hair. Yes, the good old warm oil massage and mild shampoo followed by conditioner is the regular or weekly routine carried on by us to protect and condition the hair. But, apart from that the hair needs specific care and rejuvenation by the process of hair spa. Now, hair spa is not necessarily done in parlors or hair care institutions and can be easily carried on at home with specific and easy available ingredients at your own volition. So you need not spend valuable money or time at the spa session every time. Let us see the step by step description of how to do hair spa at home.

1. Hair Oil

When you are going to devote yourself to the self-spa session, avoid using the readymade oils from the market which are nothing but merely mineral oils. So it will do no good to the hair. Use a concoction of hair oils like coconut oil, castor oil, almond oil and olive oil. The mixture should be 4parts coconut oil, 1 part castor oil, 2 parts almond oil and 3 parts olive oil. You can add other essential oils like argan, rose, ylang ylang or lavender as per your choice. Warm up the oil in a double boiler (no direct heat) and you can also add various herbs as well. For e.g. dried amla, methi seeds, neem leaves, hibiscus leaves paste, etc. can also be added in the warm oil which will further strengthen the hair. The hair oil is the vital step and best if it is done for.

2. Through massage

While the oil is the most important ingredient, the massage is the process which completes the procedure partly. Simply applying the oil won’t do so make sure you dedicate a good amount of time to massage the scalp well. Do not vigorously rub the scalp but merely run the fingers in a circular motion covering the whole area of the scalp. Massaging is essential as it improves blood circulation in your scalp area. You should massage your hair for 10 to 15 minutes. It helps relax the scalp and increase softness. It further aids in strengthening the roots of the hair and nourishes the hair-shafts, promoting new hair growth and strengthening current hair.

3. Warm Towel

If you have applied the oil a night before, then apply the warm towel in the morning and if you have applied the hair oil in the morning, do this at least an hour or two post oil massage. Dip a towel in warm water (just make sure not to burn the hand) and wrap it around the hair. In general, salons use a stream machine but the warm towel will surely do the trick. Warmth open up the pores on the scalp and thus it gets all the benefits of the oil. Also, it cleanses the scalp thoroughly, thereby promoting healthy hair growth.

4. Henna Mask

There are several hair masks available for hair and you can include the ingredients like ripe banana, eggs, curd, mayonnaise, etc. but I would suggest henna. Personally I have benefited a lot from the henna hair packs and it works like wonder. Henna is an age old method widely used in Ayurveda for treating hair and scalp problems. It is one of the best natural remedies for hair growth, helps to prevent dandruff and scalp itching. It acts as a good conditioner for your hair and helps to grow your hair. Mix the henna powder in the form of a paste with the help of curd or lemon and simply apply on the hair.

5. Shampoo

Once the hair mask is dried or after 40-50mins, wash off the mask with plain water. The rinsing will be easy as the hair as already well-nourished with oils. Next, move on to the main process of shampooing the hair. Try and use a SLS and PARABEN free shampoo which is mild and easy on the hair. Using a harsh chemically enriched shampoo means whatever effort you gave would go down the drain and the hair will be frizzy, rough and unmanageable. Shampoo will cleanses off every layer of dirt, grime, dandruff or any other residual substances on the hair, including the hair oil and hair pack. Although, the hair would retain the benefits for sure. One of the most important thing is that, rinsing off the shampoo is very important. A lot of people do apply it correctly and massage onto the scalp but forgets to rinse it out.

6. Conditioner

After the shampoo, apply the conditioner to the length of hair and keep it for around 2-3mins and no longer than that. Make sure the conditioner doesn’t slips onto the scalp and gets rinsed out properly after the shampoo.

7. Leave in Serum

This is the last step but I would call it optional. Since I have curly and dry hair, I always apply a leave in serum to make it manageable and frizz free but it is completely up to you. Also, I would not advise this step if you have thin and flat hair because it may weigh the hair down as the hair has already been conditioned since step 1.

These are the ways you can easily carry on the hair spa at home without shelling big bucks and also at our own convenience.

Editor’s Note: Absolutely loved this post Sanchita. This is the ideal procedure, wish I was not that lazy and time crunched :/ But even once a week or once in 2 weeks, following this routine would be amazing.

Image Sources: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Do you do hair spa at home?

Surprising Reasons Why Your Periods Might Be Late

Surprising Reasons Why Your Periods Might Be Late

By Pallavi

Hii Girlies,

Sometimes I feel life is so tough for us girls. It’s not that I feel we are unlucky and tortured. I feel being a girl makes me strongly blessed and all. But we have to keep track of so many things. Normally what happens with me is that I always forget to note my period dates. I just calculate them on the basis of some or the other events and occasions.

But I am sure once in your lifetime you all might have got worried thinking that your period is late. Well, late periods are not a sign of pregnancy, though that is the first thought usually. A late period can be owing to a number of factors like –

1. Change in your daily routine – If you have switched cities or changed jobs or may be rising and sleeping time has changed then all these factors delays your periods too. And if this timing just matches to your ovulation timing then the delay chances are higher.

2. Stress – Maybe it is because of your exams or you’re some personal issues or some work conflicts. Your stress levels really have a effect on your period cycle. And this results in delayed periods.

3. Weakness – Basically if you are weak inside or your body doesn’t has enough amount of iron then your period will be definitely delayed.

4. Gymming – If you have recently started gymming then your periods are definitely going to be delayed. Because just when you start gym your body weight loss is much more evident. And this in turn will have an effect on your hormones. It will cause hormonal changes as a result of which your periods might be delayed.

5. Travel – Sometimes travelling, changes in time zone, places, water, climate,etc. also cause delay in periods.

6. Dietary changes – If you recently changed your diet pattern, then it is again going to have an effect on both your body weight and hormones. And these both will have an effect on your periods.

7. Hormonal imbalance – Most of the girls suffer from this health issue all their life without even being aware of it. Don’t trust me. Well, how many of you are aware of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). It causes hormonal imbalance which alters the level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in your body. PCOS also causes delay in your periods every month.

8. Sickness – Yes, if you are sick and taking too much of medications then that also hampers your ovulation cycle as a result of which you suffer from delayed periods.

9. New Medication – Sometimes if you have started any new medicine then that also affects your period cycle. Confirm from your doctor that this new medicine is not going to effect your period cycle.

10. A new birth control method – If you have started a new birth control method then that is going to affect your period cycle. It is going to have an effect on your hormones and hormones need time to adjust on that and thus your periods will be delayed.

So, these were some of the reasons of delay in your periods. Let me know if you know something more in the comments down below.

Editor’s Note: That’s an informative post Pallavi, loved it.

Image Source: 1, 2, 3,4,5

Did you know of all these reasons?

Sun Pharma’s #SuncrosSunscreen Review

Sun Pharma’s #SuncrosSunscreen Review

Hi guys,

So I attended this very interesting launch last week of the all new Suncros Sunscreen. If you have ever been to a dermatologist and he prescribed you Suncros sunscreen, you already know about this brand and are wondering it is not new.

Yes, Suncros is already sold at pharmacies since 2005 and is also the most recommended sunscreen by dermatologists in India. It is available both OTC and on prescription, but since majority didn’t know about the brand, it is majorly sold on prescription. But now they have launched it commercially with the all new packaging.

Suncros is promoted by Sun Pharma’s branded prescription business and will now be co-promoted by the Global Consumer Healthcare business. It is the first sunscreen in India to be co-promoted and sold both OTC and on prescription.

And Dia Mirza is on board as Suncros’ Brand Ambassador. On the launch, we had a panel of dermatologists who busted quite some myths about sunscreen, I will share a few crucial ones:

  • Indian skin doesn’t need high SPF coz it already has enough melanin and needs UVA and UVB protection. So it is more important to check that in a sunscreen rather than SPF
  • Men needs to apply sunscreen too, they usually ignore and very less percentage of men in India use sunscreen
  • You need to reapply sunscreen even if you are wearing makeup, by dabbing the base lightly, reapplying sunscreen and then doing your touch ups.
  • Vitamin D deficiency has no link to using sunscreen. And even people with Vitamin D deficiency need to use sunscreen
  • You need sunscreen even if you stay indoors whole day or travel in AC car.

I personally came to know a lot of new things, I never used to reapply sunscreen when I had makeup on. Also sometimes skipped when in the house whole day. The most important thing I learned is Indian skin needs to check UVA and UVB and not SPF.

Suncros will be available in three differentiated variants that provide broad spectrum protection –

  • Suncros Aqualotion with SPF 50 for sensitive skin- Rs.395/- for 60ml
  • Suncros Aquagel with SPF 26 for oily skin- Rs.345/- for 100g
  • Suncros Soft with SPF 50+ PA+++ in matte finish for all ages that provides 8 hour substantivity- Rs.545/- for 30g

The scientific and technologically advanced formulations of Suncros provides broad spectrum sun protection from harmful UV rays as they penetrate deep within the skin through the nanonized and micronized zinc oxide. For women who know the merit of a sound skin care regime, Suncros is going to make its presence felt in their daily lives while offering the am to pm sun protection they always needed. Suncros protects skin from the harmful effects of UV rays that causes pigmentation, skin tanning and premature aging that concerns most women across regions and age-groups. Not to forget the protection from the ultimate risk of skin cancer.


We got the Suncros Soft with SPF50+ PA+++ in matte finish and I have been using it since the past few days. Here are my thoughts on it..

It comes in a tube form and doesn’t have any sort of smell. The product is thick and creamy and has a light yellow tint.

It is water resistant and has UVA/UVB protection. It is safe for all ages and for anyone to use from babies (6 months+) to adults.

It is silicony which makes it stay for 8 hours and also acts as a nice primer for your everyday makeup. It has completely matte finish and does not feel greasy or rich at all. Some sunscreens tend to sweat me out but this one definitely doesn’t. Also it is water resistant so the sweat won’t wipe off the sunscreen.

It is free from chemical sunscreen agents, some people react to a few chemical ingredients in suncreen and this would be perfect for them. The micronized zinc oxide is Suncros’ USP which penetrates through the skin and protects the skin from UV rays.

I think this will become my Holy Grail soon, I would anyday prefer chemical agents free sunscreen and which is no.1 Dermatologists’ Recommended product rather than cosmetic OTC ones.

I definitely recommend Suncros, it even comes in lotion and gel form if you have very oily skin or need it for body. And the fact that is  easily available at any pharmacy store, makes it even better! Must try!

Have you tried Suncros Sunscreen before?

Decoding the Makeup Secrets of Adele

Decoding the Makeup Secrets of Adele

By Sanchita

When I think of Adele the only two things that crosses my mind are the deepest ballads and feline eyeliner. I mean, that is the thickest, precise and deepest eyeliner I have seen. No matter what product I have used so far, I simply couldn’t get that look. Thankfully, a couple of months back Adele’s Makeup artist Michael Ashton, who has been working on the singer’s hair and makeup for nine years shown in a YouTube channel of MUA Lisa Eldridge. There was so much to learn from him and I loved the way he had shown the makeup tutorial. So, gathering the most important points from there, I have decoded the makeup secrets of Adele and here’s what you need to know.

Preparing the Skin

Makeup artist Michael Ashton starts prepping the skin with a damp facial tissue soaked in Bioderma Sensibio H2O to wipe off any layer of residual makeup, dirt, grime etc. He advises to use a facial gel or oil kind of product to plump up the skin and hydrate it well enough for the foundation to look flawless. He used a rose facial oil I believe to plump up the skin and which also gives a natural strobing effect without looking greasy, sticky or oily. His favorite product is Aromessence Rose d’Orient Oil Serum for pre foundation technique.

Eye Makeup

He started with a base product which act as a base for eyeshadow as well as primer. He used the MAC Paint Pot Groundwork all over the lid and then soften the crease using a blending brush. He also applied the same pain pot in the lower lash line to give a shadow sort of. Then used the two lightest shade (a golden bronzy light color) from the Tom Ford Nude Dip Eye Color Quad all over the lid and smoothened the line as well. This gave a nice reflective kind of pale look to the eyes, you can also call it neutral.

Infamous Feline Eyeliner

The secret behind that gorgeous feline liner are the gel liner, eye liner and fine liner brush. He uses the Bobbi Brown Long Wear Gel Eyeliner in Black Ink on the back of your hand and then start drawing a line (as close as you can to your lash line) from the middle of your eyes working it outwards, using a very fine liner brush. Then, he makes the feline stroke giving a cat liner effect. He repeated the lines at least 6-7 times which thickened and deepen the color even more. Ashton states that you can use a cotton bud dipped in Bioderma Sensibio H2O to wipe off any mistakes. After the mascara, he goes back to the eyes, this time with liquid eyeliner, that is, MAC Liquidlast Liner Point Black. He said that he uses a liquid liner with a tar consistency and a fine brush to do a final eyeliner swipe. This builds up intensity and gives a nice depth to the eyes as well.

Dramatic Eyelashes

For the lashes, he used a falsies using Duo lash black glue which gives a well-defined matte charcoal finish. He used a gentle upward lifting motion with the fingers to blend in with the natural lashes. Next, he applied the Diorshow Mascara for the upper lashes. For the lower lashes, he used a small fan brush and started from the roots which would give a better smudged kohl effect. He stated that it won’t matter if the mascara goes a little bit onto the waterline as long as it doesn’t sting.

Strong Brow Game

Before stating the eye makeup, he used a spoolie to brush the eye brows. Then used a soft brow pencil to shape and define them. Clean up the top of your brow using a moisturizer on a small concealer brush and swipe it across the brow. To set the pencil he used a light mix of four brown shades – MAC Concrete, Coquette, Corduroy and Wedge and applied as the brow powder.


For the foundation he used Estee Lauder – Double Wear Light and mixed the shades 1.0 and 0.5. He used the lighter shade on the T-zone and inner portion of the face while the darker one in the outer perimeter. He specifically stated that the foundation must be applied on the jaw line and below i.e. towards the neck. This will surely give a nice, smooth and even look. He sets everything with a fine milled compact powder. For the under eyes, he uses the Tom Ford Illuminating Highlight Pen and blends it with a brush.


For the contour also, he uses a powder palette which is the Smashbox Step by Step Contour Kit and mixes the first two colors for the cheek bones. He basically says that a fish face helps to make the contour precise and smooth. He uses an angled blush brush for the contour and applied for the forehead, sides of the nose and jawline. For the blush, he loves the Maybelline cream blush which works really great for blending.

Lip Trick

For the lips, prep and prime the lips with a nourishing lip balm to hydrate the lips well. Then, he used a neutral lip liner to outline and fill the lips slightly. Use a finger to pat and blend the lip liner with the lip balm to give a nice and even neutral look to the lips. Use a shimmery gloss to apply on the centre of the lower and upper lips and blend well. This would give a nice plump effect to the lips naturally.

These are the secrets of Adele’s flawless feline makeup look and I really hope this would help you guys to recreate her looks easily.

Image Sources: 1,2

Editor’s Note: I love Adele’s makeup, especially her winged liner. Nice post Sanchita

Did you always want to know Adele’s makeup secrets? Well they are not a secret anymore 😀

Plum Chamomile & White Tea Sheer Matte Day Cream SPF50 Review

Plum Chamomile & White Tea Sheer Matte Day Cream SPF50 Review

By Sanchita

INTRODUCTION: Plum has recently launched their Chamomile & White Tea range with a toner, moisturizer and day cream. The range is targeted with combination to oily skin with great benefits from the goodness of Chamomile & White Tea. Today I am going to review the Sheer Matte Day Cream which is an amalgamation of moisturizer and sunscreen and will help the skin a lot in this summer and upcoming monsoon. So, let’s see how the Sheer Matte Day Cream has worked for me after trying it for weeks.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION – Exposure to UV rays from sunlight and other oxidative factors can cause premature aging, pigmentation, dullness, and dryness in skin. Antioxidants are an essential part of any skincare regime for younger looking brighter skin. Specially designed with tropical weather in mind, our Chamomile & white tea range combines the soothing properties of chamomile with the potent antioxidant property of white tea. The results: A skincare range that prepares defends and revives skin that’s exposed to the elements.

PRICE – 520 INR for 60ml



The Plum Chamomile & White Tea Sheer Matte Day Cream is housed inside a medium built sleek white cardboard box with all the necessary information printed on it. The Day Cream actually comes in a rather firm white tube with orange accents of the brand name inscribed on it and a translucent flip open cap. Uncapping the tube, you will find an opening to dispense the product and I feel it is perfect to dish out the right amount of product onto the hand. Judging by the packaging, I surely have a strong notion that it will be a great companion while travelling without creating any mess in your pouch or bag. Personally, I have carried it in my handbag for touchups every 2-3hours and it has never failed once. Overall, the packing is well built.

The consistency of the Day Cream is of thick whipped cream with a light texture in it. The flawless bending and application surely owes to this light weight texture despite having thicker consistency. Having said that, you require only a pea sized amount of the cream for the face and neck and you can spare the generous amount for sure. The smell is what surely surprises me with pleasantness and softness. It has a fresh faded smell of artificial flora touch with the blend of Chamomile and after application it disappears, simply leaving behind a trail of freshness.

The color of the Day Cream is white which resembles majority of the sunscreen but I never experienced any whitish layer upon blending. The cream acts both as moisturizer and sunscreen and a lazy girl like me couldn’t ask for more. I happily skip my moisturizer and apply this which generously hydrates and protects my skin from sun. I would say this is a perfect pick for summers and monsoons in a typical tropical climate like in India. Here the humidity rules the day and the lesser quantity of product you slather on the face, better it is for you. Manufactured with a SPF of 50, this is surely an ideal sun protection formula for the skin. However, I am not sure why they didn’t include the PA+ ratings as I am not sure whether it is a broad spectrum or not. The cream needs to be blended thoroughly onto the skin to prevent any whitish layer and surprisingly, if you use the right face wash for you, it will never cling onto the dry patches at all.

Since it claims to be sheer, it won’t contribute much to evening out the skin tone, but surely brighten up the complexion with a radiant glow. I have oily skin which is surely exaggerated in summers. This particular cream is well suited for combination to oily skin but dry skin won’t like it at all. This is because, upon blending the cream settles down and gives a soft matte touch to the skin deprive of any hydration which is ideal for oily skin in summer. I noticed the T-zone getting slightly oily after few hours but the rest of the face stays oil free. Having acne prone skin, I was relieved with the fact that it never broke me out despite applying during hottest and humid temperature. It also doesn’t clog the pores and let the skin breathe on its own.

The best thing about the product is the ingredient list. Firstly it is enriched with the goodness of Chamomile & White Tea. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which soothes and neutralizes the skin. On the other hand, the White Tea is rich in antioxidants and helps the skin fight oxidative damage that results from sun exposure while Gingko biloba and olive leaf extracts help skin fight free radical damage. The cream is also paraben-free, SLS-free, phthalate-free & vegan and won’t harm the skin in the long run as well.

The tube will last around 2months approximately when used, so to judge the price tag it is surely a bit high priced but rest assured, it is worth the money due to the versatility and ingredients.

OVERALL – The Plum Chamomile & White Tea Sheer Matte Day Cream SPF50 comes in a white flip open tube with a light texture that blends well and protects the skin with its SPF 50 and acts as a moisturizer as well as day cream. I loved the brightening part and it is well suited for combination to oily skin while dry skin may skip this.


  • It is housed in a white opaque flip open tube and great for travelling.
  • The texture is of the cream is light with thick consistency.
  • It blends really well on skin without any whitish layer.
  • Brightens up the skin little bit.
  • It has a very refreshing smell of Chamomile.
  • Acts as a day cream as well as sunscreen.
  • It has SPF 50
  • Keeps the skin soft, matte and shine free.
  • It is enriched with the goodness of Chamomile & White Tea.
  • The cream is also paraben-free, SLS-free, phthalate-free & vegan.


  • The PA+ is missing.
  • Will not suit dry skin.
  • Slightly pricey.


Quality: 4.5/5

Value for money: 3/5

Availability: 4/5

Overall rating: 4.5/5

RECOMMENDATION – The Plum Chamomile & White Tea Sheer Matte Day Cream SPF50 is well recommended for combination to oily skin which will keep the skin oil free and hydrated even in summers and doesn’t even break you out.

Editor’s Note: This matte day cream with sunscreen sounds really good. Very detailed review Sanchita

Have you tried the new Plum Chamomile & White Tea Day Cream yet?

Get the Best Household Service Experts from UrbanClap

Get the Best Household Service Experts from UrbanClap

Hi guys,

Today I am talking about one of the household service experts provider UrbanClap, I know there are many out there in the market currently. And also specifically for different sectors like alone for women’s salon services.

As far as the different local services providers I have tried, I can say UrbanClap comes with quality. I have tried their home salon services 1-2 times earlier.

What surprises me is the number of services they have, everything from Wedding Planning to Birthday Party Planning, Fitness, Salon Services, CA Services, Interior Designers, House Cleaning, Repairs,etc. You name it and they have it.

I wish Urbanclap was launched when I got married, booking a mehendi artist, wedding photographer is all super easy now thanks to an app like this. And not only app, even the website is very user friendly, for people who still prefer things the traditional way.

For any service you select, they ask you a few question to shortlist a particular sub-category and then they give you three options: Budget, Experienced and Premium i.e. increasing prices and then it asks for your location and personal details and you can get quotes from various different service providers.

You have the option of whether or not you want to share your phone number with the service providers, in case you do not want to, they can only contact you via the app. I like the fact that they have maintained privacy here.

Also love the fact that you get different budget options and a lot of different service providers within that budget. You can ask for their previous work and also check their ratings on the site/app and then decide which one you would like to go with. Service providers give you the best quote as they are competing with other service providers. So ultimately we get the best price and benefit from it.

I am keen on trying the Health & Wellness category next and would surely update you on how my experience goes 🙂

Overall, I quite like the ease of use of Urbanclap and how convenient it has made to reach the service providers by bridging the gap between service providers and us customers.

Urbanclap is currently present in Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Pune. Also they provide a vast range of 90+ services. They are also available on Android and iOS.

I definitely recommend giving Urbanclap a try. Do let me know your experience in the comments below.

June 2016 My Envy Box Unboxing, Review & 15% off Discount Code

June 2016 My Envy Box Unboxing, Review & 15% off Discount Code

Hi guys,

I got the June My Envy Box right now and the box is so pretty! I just can’t take my eyes off the box, they have a designer who designs boxes each month and I have been noticing fabulous boxes since the past 1-2 months.

I have tons of My Envy Boxes and I had to throw some old, plain ones previously as I was short of space, but I am surely keeping these pretty ones!! I love floral print and this is one of my favourite prints.

MRP: Rs.850/- (Available HERE)

Products I got:

  • O3+ Aloe Derma Hydrating Gel- 50g (Rs.385/-)
  • Herra Protecting Hair Perfume Oudh Inspired- 10ml (Rs.2495/- for 50ml)
  • Votre Purifying Deep Cleansing & Clearing Masque- 50g (Rs.1090/- for 100g)
  • Ck2 Perfume sample Vial
  • L’Occitane Divine Cream- 2 sample sachets

Ok, so it’s kind of a mixed thing this month, there is one full sized product and two deluxe samples and two small sachets.

I quite liked the O3+ Aloe Gel which is full sized. Absolutely loved the Herra Hair Perfume, I sprayed it immediately and it smells divine! Also this 10ml bottle is perfect to carry in your bag.

I love face masks and I don’t think I have come across a good deep cleansing and clearing masque in India yet. The Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay one is on my wish list, but I really liked the sound of this one. Looking forward to trying this one out and it’s 50g i.e. half the size of the product which is pretty decent.

Not really a fan of the perfume sample vial or sachets, so no comments on that. I would appreciate if subscription boxes/bags totally do away with tiny samples and sachets, even considering these two brands among the products in the box is unjustified.

So for me, these three are the main products and the ones I liked and looking forward to try. The value of these products in the box comes to Rs.1175/-

I have a 15% off coupon code for you guys this month too, both on the Beauty & Jewellery Box, it’s ‘NLMBHUMIKA‘. The beauty box post the discount code comes to Rs.722/-.

I would not say this box is a must have, but I liked the three bigger products, if you do not like even one out the three, then skip. If you like these three, then give it a try 🙂

What did you get in your June My Envy Box?