Tag Archives: Oil

Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil Review

Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil Review

Gorgeous hair is best maintained by the age-old wondrous coconut oil. However, no matter what your hair type, texture, colour or length, you may fall prey to hair problems, at some point in their life. Are you battling hair fall, dandruff, split ends and more? Pollution, stress levels, sun, erratic lifestyles, inadequate diets, etc., could be playing havoc on your hair. While you can’t change what has been done, maybe it’s time to sit, up, take notice and use something extra. Make repairs with Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut + + Hair Oil and make hair damage a thing of the past!

Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil Review, Indian Beauty Blog

Dabur Vatika Coconut Oil Key Ingredients: Say goodbye to all your hair problems. Switch to Vatika!

3 hair problems, 1 solution. With the triple power of Amla, Henna and lemon, Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil, saves your hair from problems like dandruff, split ends and hair fall, thereby giving it volume and shine that make your tresses gorgeous!

MRP: Rs.84/- for 180ml (150ml + 20% extra free)

Benefits of Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil:

  • It helps in deep conditioning your scalp
  • Amla promotes hair growth
  • Coconut is very nourishing and hydrates and nourishes even the hair follicles
  • Amla helps prevent hair greying
  • Lemon is very good to keep dandruff at bay
  • Coconut oil being rich and hydrating, also helps get rid of split ends
  • Coconut helps retain moisture in the hair & also works on repairing damaged hair
  • Coconut oil is a natural detangler for hair
  • Henna also helps retain hair colour and keep it rich and dark

And there are numerous other benefits of Coconut alone, much more of Henna, Amla and Lemon infused together. In monsoons, if I get wet in the rains, the first thing that gets affected is my hair. If I do not immediately oil my hair and wash them, the texture changes and I even face dandruff issues coz of the rain water. In winters, dandruff is the main issue always. I am glad the Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair oil has lemon which is what I mostly use for my dandruff, this is helping me keep dandruff at bay.

How I use it: I either keep oil in my hair overnight or do use it an hour before shampooing, and it makes a huge difference. Whenever I have oiled my hair before shampooing, the hair is super smooth and more softer with less frizz than just alone shampooing. Overnight oiling is more beneficial, but if forgot or do not like the oil on your hair overnight, at least try and use it an hour before shampooing.

It takes an extra wash to remove the oil, but then it’s so worth it. Fortunately, Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut Oil is not that sticky and very light in texture, it would not make your look like an oil slick or give you that sticky feeling when you touch your hair.

I would say it is one stop for all your hair problems from hair breakage, split ends, greying , dandruff, etc. Use this twice a week on a continuous basis and you will definitely see a lot of improvement in your hair.

It is very economical price wise too, plus I got 20% extra 😀 I love the light smell too, it is not over powering or bothering.

Read more about Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil HERE or try a sample by clicking on ‘Request your own sample’.

This is my current favourite hair oil. I definitely recommend trying it out.

Have you tried the Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil yet?

Parachute Advansed #MomWasAlwaysRight Contest

Parachute Advansed #MomWasAlwaysRight Contest

Hi Guys,

I am back with a contest! First of all, how many of you feel our moms were always right and we should have listened to them more often 😀 :raises hand slowly: I think majority 😉

Let me share a few things today which my mom always told me to do, and I never did :p And now I feel, she was so right, I wish I had listened to her before.

  • Don’t binge on junk food

Well, I would not have to exercise later on, if I had listened to her.

  • Oil your hair more often,not only for the hair health but also to de-stress

Mom used to regularly oil my hair when I was in school and I had the best hair then, well like all, I reduced the frequency of oiling my hair once I entered college and then slowly it went down and down to nil. I should start oiling my hair again, miss my old awesome hair. Also the head massage my mom gave while oiling my hair was so so de-stressing.

  • Use natural stuff like curd,honey,besan,etc., for your skin

We all run after these face packs,face scrubs,face washes and what not and after using them for years, we suddenly realise that natural products are actually the safest and best. We should have listened to our moms before,right.

  • Early to bed,early to rise

Those late nights throughout our teens have changed our sleeping pattern and the weekends too, so getting up on weekdays for office has been such a pain for most of us :p

  • A penny saved is penny earned

Oh ya, the savings! Let’s not even talk about it, right :p Mom was always so right on saving and not spending like crazy.

I want to know your #MomWasAlwaysRight moments in the comments below and 2 winners will win special Parachute Advansed Aromatherapy gift packs.

The contest starts today and ends after 2 days on 11th May evening. Share this post on your social media tagging me and use #MomWasAlwaysRight for brownie points.

Also, when you win the contest, you can try this Art of Oiling on your mom 🙂 She will be very happy..watch the video to know how.

Good Luck 🙂

P.S: I am extending the contest till 12th May evening.

P.S: Image from Google.

Update: Time to announce the winners. I loved all the entries, it was so difficult to choose two, so I selected three 🙂 Yes, we have 3 winners- Rituka Gupta, Divya Asha and Prachi Aggarwal

Congrats girls. Please mail me your complete details soon.