Tag Archives: Parachute Advansed

Parachute #KhulkekheloHoli Contest - 5 winners

Parachute Advansed #KhulkekheloHoli Contest – 5 winners

Parachute Advansed #KhulkekheloHoli Contest – 5 winners

Hi guys,

Holi is coming up and I have so many good childhood memories attached with this festival. From prepping up previous day with balloons and pichkaris and finding all amazing colors to waking up early at 6-7 am and enjoying it with friends and family untill afternoon. It was so much fun! While the previous two years, I had my friends come over and we did have some fun with colours. But nothing beats the childhood fun, right.

This video totally refreshed my Holi memories.

#KhulkeKheloHoliYe Rang Hai Gaadhe Rishton Ke,
Inhe Pheeka mat padne do.

Iss baar, Holi Khul Ke Khelo.

Posted by Parachute Advansed on Monday, 14 March 2016

Holi is all about love, joy, family time, togetherness and applying colours. Khul ke khelo Holi doesn’t mean we waste water, water conservation is an important issue currently and we should always try our best to not waste water. Holi can be played with colors and is equally fun!

I have a contest for Holi for you guys 🙂 I have teamed up with Parachute Advansed Hair Oil where we will be giving away 5 Holi hampers to 5 of you.

All you have to do it share the above video on facebook, link HERE and tell us about your favourite childhood Holi memory in the comments below. That’s it. Just make sure to tag my page when you share the video on facebook so that I can verify the entry.

The contest starts right now and ends on Sunday 20th March, the winners will be announced on 20th itself, so that the winners can receive the hampers before Holi. It is only open to residents of India.

Good Luck guys and Happy Holi 🙂

Update: The winners are:

Shilpa Bindlish

Neha Thagela

Mansi Tokla


Divya Gattani

Also hubby has picked winners this time for an unbiased third person view 🙂 Congrats winners! Please mail me at bhumika_thakkar (@)yahoo.co.uk with your complete mailing address and number soon, will have to send it ahead tom afternoon so that the hampers reach before Holi. If I do not get the details by 1pm tom, I will need to pick another winner.

Thanks a lot for the participation 🙂

Parachute Advansed #MomWasAlwaysRight Contest

Parachute Advansed #MomWasAlwaysRight Contest

Hi Guys,

I am back with a contest! First of all, how many of you feel our moms were always right and we should have listened to them more often 😀 :raises hand slowly: I think majority 😉

Let me share a few things today which my mom always told me to do, and I never did :p And now I feel, she was so right, I wish I had listened to her before.

  • Don’t binge on junk food

Well, I would not have to exercise later on, if I had listened to her.

  • Oil your hair more often,not only for the hair health but also to de-stress

Mom used to regularly oil my hair when I was in school and I had the best hair then, well like all, I reduced the frequency of oiling my hair once I entered college and then slowly it went down and down to nil. I should start oiling my hair again, miss my old awesome hair. Also the head massage my mom gave while oiling my hair was so so de-stressing.

  • Use natural stuff like curd,honey,besan,etc., for your skin

We all run after these face packs,face scrubs,face washes and what not and after using them for years, we suddenly realise that natural products are actually the safest and best. We should have listened to our moms before,right.

  • Early to bed,early to rise

Those late nights throughout our teens have changed our sleeping pattern and the weekends too, so getting up on weekdays for office has been such a pain for most of us :p

  • A penny saved is penny earned

Oh ya, the savings! Let’s not even talk about it, right :p Mom was always so right on saving and not spending like crazy.

I want to know your #MomWasAlwaysRight moments in the comments below and 2 winners will win special Parachute Advansed Aromatherapy gift packs.

The contest starts today and ends after 2 days on 11th May evening. Share this post on your social media tagging me and use #MomWasAlwaysRight for brownie points.

Also, when you win the contest, you can try this Art of Oiling on your mom 🙂 She will be very happy..watch the video to know how.

Good Luck 🙂

P.S: I am extending the contest till 12th May evening.

P.S: Image from Google.

Update: Time to announce the winners. I loved all the entries, it was so difficult to choose two, so I selected three 🙂 Yes, we have 3 winners- Rituka Gupta, Divya Asha and Prachi Aggarwal

Congrats girls. Please mail me your complete details soon.