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Patanjali Body Ubtan Review, Indian Beauty Blog, Patanjali Reviews, Herbal Body Ubtan

Patanjali Body Ubtan Review

Patanjali Body Ubtan Review

By Nidhal

There are few things as nourishing, relaxing and advantageous for your skin as slathering a rich blend of all-natural ingredients on one’s skin. Nuts ,fruits, herbs… all finely powdered to form an aromatic blend of ‘Ubtan’ is a treat for one’s skin. Not only is one’s skin deep cleansed but also the layer of dead skin cells is exfoliated. Expectations certainly skyrocket when an all-natural Ubtan comes from Patanajali- Baba Ramdev’s pharmacy. It goes without saying that I will review PATANJALI BODY UBTAN today and let you know how it fared for me.

PRICE- Rs 60/- for 100g

DIRECTIONS FOR USE– Add sufficient quantity of water to 20-30 g of Body Ubtan to make a consistent paste. Apply on body. Massage gently. Rinse off with water.

INGREDIENTS- Chironji, red lentil, black gram, barley, mustard seeds, soybean, rice, almond, turmeric and camphor.

WHAT IT CLAIMS- Enhances fairness, imparts glow to skin, reduces dark spots and blemishes.


Packed in a simple plastic pack, Patanjali Body Ubtan’s packaging is somewhat disappointing. Why? Once cut open, the contents need to be transferred to a container because 100 g cannot be used in one go. Storing it in the pack in which it comes makes it prone to contamination as well as spillage. While the argument that it costs merely Rs 60/- per pack which is dirt cheap is admissible yet the provision of a zipper pack would have altogether eliminated all these woes once and for all. Hence, there is room for improvement as far as packaging is concerned.

The ubtan is predominantly fine with few coarse granules. They aren’t harsh or abrasive. So, do not fret that your skin will redden on slathering/massaging it. I think it can be conveniently mixed with rose water, raw milk ,curd or any base ingredient for that matter. Adding water is a mere recommendation for the producers which I followed. The paste so obtained has a pleasant and not overpowering aroma. I have used it a number of times and even if kept for more than half an hour, it does not stain your face yellow.

The presence of slightly coarse granules facilitate scrubbing and aid removal of dead skin cells’ layers. Upon removal, my skin looks squeaky clean, deeply cleansed and radiant. It does not suck moisture off one’s skin and that spells cheer for those with dry/excessively dry skin. I can’t comment on its efficacy or the lack of it when it comes to oil removal for oily/excessively oily skin type. Mine is dry and it hasn’t made my skin dry post wash ever. That said, it doesn’t even moisturise it either which I have no issues with because it doesn’t claim to do so.

I find it suitable for use by all skin types. If you are on a shoestring budget, grabbing a few packets of this won’t even pinch you. This one’s a good investment in my humble opinion 🙂


1. Budget-friendly

2. Readily available

3. Deep cleanses skin

4. Does not suck moisture hence, apt for dry and extremely dry skin types

5. Imparts radiance and NOT fairness which is plausible

6. Imparts a squeaky clean feel

7. All-natural composition

8. Apt for use by all skin types


1. Packaging needs to be revamped.


Editor’s Note: This sounds very good Nidhal, definitely in my Patanjali haul list.

Have you tried the Patanjali Body Ubtan yet?

Top 5 Patanjali Products in India

Top 5 Patanjali Products in India

By Sanchita

Ayurvedic medicines have its roots in India and no matter how much we rave about luxury cosmetics, we always find our way back to herbal skincare. Patanjali have reached out everywhere in India and has been acknowledged as one of the most popular herbal brand. The range is wide and covers everything – from skincare, cosmetics, haircare and even health issues. Their availability is good if you have a store nearby and they are also expanding. Thankfully, there is a store near my place and I got to try several products from the brand. There are such products I always repurchase as it is beyond commendable.

Here’s my top 5 Patanjali Products for you all.

1. Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel – (75 INR for 150ml)

This is the product which grabbed my attention on the brand. I have used a lot of moisturizer for oily skin, but this is one exceptional products that worked wonder for my skin. it has a refreshing fragrance and gives a soothing sensation to the skin. The absorption takes no time at all and makes the skin hydrated yet matte. I also face some discoloration issue around the mouth due to threading but this one has eliminated a lot after a prolonged usage. You require a very tiny amount for face and neck and makes the skin smooth, supple and hydrated. It is a must-have for oily and acne prone skin.

2. Patanjali Divya Kanti Lep – (60 INR for 50 gm)

This is sort of face pack powder that needs to be applied as a paste mixed with rose water. The Ayurvedic blend of ingredients helps to rid of skin problems like removing dark spots, pimples, acne and other signs of ageing and giving your skin a natural and healthy glow. It contains the goodness of Haldi, Manjeeth, Chandan, Aloe Vera, Jalphal, Kapoor, etc. My stubborn acne marks starting fading off when I had diligently used this product thrice a week. The results are surely effective and it is another praiseworthy product from this brand I have used.

3. Patanjali Divya Badam Rogan Almond Oil – (100 INR for 60 ml)

I must have exhausted 10-12 bottles of this one and so you can imagine my love for this. From skin care to hair care, I incorporate the product literally everywhere. I have dark circles and extremely dehydrated eye area and I use the almond oil regular before bedtime. During winter months, I apply this on my dry patches to sooth and rejuvenate them. For hair, I sometimes used it with a concoction of coconut oil or sometimes alone. It can also be used as makeup remover and highly effective for eyes. The price is reasonably price and also one of the bets almond oil I have used.

4. Patanjali Kesh Kanti Milk Protein Hair Cleanser – (95 INR for 200ml)

Shampoos often dry out the hair but this one is exceptional. It has the goodness of bhringraj, mehendi, neem, tulsi and aloe Vera which works magically on my heat-damaged lifeless mane. It effectively cleanses the scalp of any layer of dirt, grime, oil and sweat and makes the hair nourished and soft. It lathers well and has a pleasant aroma to it. It works great for normal to dry hair and meritoriously balances the moisture level of the hair.

5. Patanjali Amla Juice – (100 INR for 1litre)

Sometimes you have to take care of the skin from inside. Living in a world of delicious junk food, our digestive system often takes a toll and results in various skin problems like acne, pigmentation, dehydration, dullness, etc. Patanjali Amla Juice, 20ml per day, is an excellent choice for a healthy juice which is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. From healthy skin to hair – Amla can improve the health in every way. It also boosts my metabolism and keeps the weight in control and has cured my hair loss problem completely. The taste is a slight put-off but the product will do miracle for your health.

So, which is your favorite Patanjali product?

Editor’s Note: My husband swears by Patanjali products, Aloe vera juice and jams being his favourites. I haven’t tried any of their beauty or skincare products but the Aloe Vera gel is definitely on my list, will check these out too. Nice compilation Sanchita 🙂