Tag Archives: Skin & Makeup this Party Season

10 ways to Look Good this Party Season

10 ways to Look Good this Party Season

With December end and holidays, everyone is in party mode always. And with lots of Christmas and New Year parties, you sure need to look your best.( For me, my bday too..its this Sunday 😀 )I saw the new Flipkart video on YouTube and was tempted to visit the women’s lifestyle section. (Link to the video: fkrt.it/1huKeax). The song and the tagline is soo perfect ‘When you have everything and still nothing to wear’ So apt ! So us ! 😀

Flipkart has launched a dedicated page for Women’s Lifestyle and this page has over 500 brands, 20,000+ looks and an array of personal use and gifting products to choose from. These include clothes, accessories, footwear, handbags, perfumes, personal grooming products – you can have a look yourself here: http://www.flipkart.com/women

I soo like this idea..a site with everything a girl needs..and its so easy to navigate and find anything you want. I like the categories and bifurcations..I have shopped from Flipkart before and they deliver products super quick too..plus they also have an Android and iOS app for Flipkart..so shopping on the go..

So I thought of..what all does a girl need to look her best this party season..

1. Good Skin : Well, that is the main. With winters setting in and everyone suffering from dry skin, its very important to moisturize and take care of your skin..and hydrate yourself..coz with bad skin, how much ever makeup one layers, one never looks good. So, skin care is must !

2. Bouncy, Shiny Hair: After skin, comes the mane. Well, who does’nt want those sexy, shiny locks that shine through out the party. And just shampooing is not enough. Conditioner is good. You also need deep conditioners and serums this winter. And regular oiling, just for an hour before wash, would work wonders for your hair. Hair care is equally important.

3. Nails: Well manicured and pedicured hand and toe nails..with a sexy red nail paint would steal the show. Is’nt it ? Who does’nt like a glossy shiny red nail paint on oneself ? Makes you feel all glam instantly.

4. Perfect Base: A good foundation,which does not transfer on your tissues and onto the clothes of people you hug, and gives a nice flawless, dewy skin and stays put till you dance away, is a must. And a sexy rosy blush and lots of highlighter 😀

5. Red Lips: Be it glossy or matte, red lips make you feel ultra glam and sexy..they are a statement in itself..and pairing it with your perfect LBD, you are a diva !

6. LBD: A girl can never have enough of LBD’s..trust me..I guess I have around 8-10 myself :p And just check this out. I guess this is LBD heaven. If you don’t have one, then this party season, you surely need one..you just got a reason to shop 😉

7. Heels don’t lie: Matching heels to rock your LBD. Go Metallic, monochrome, contrast, animal print, whatever you want.

8. Make a Statement: A Gold/Bronze statement necklace and cuffs/bracelets look super sexy with a LBD. Or you can even go for something brighter. There are tons of options..but statement necklace or statement earrings and a cuff or a cocktail ring..accessories would complete your outfit..but remember the ‘OR’. This or that..never wear all at once..and end up looking like a mobile jewellery store.

9. Smell so good: How you smell reflects your personality..we all have our favorite perfumes..so spritz some of that and walk through.

10. Hair Free: Of course with the LBD, you are supposed to be hair free..and with the help of epilators and shavers, you need not worry about it.

Thats it..go around and party !

It’s amazing how Flipkart women has over 500 top brands to choose from.I really like the women’s lifestyle section. It’s like everything is just a click away – so easy to search and so easy to order.

Do check out www.flipkart.com/women and do share your picks and favourites with me.

In order to save on Flipkart.com, do visit, ChameleonJohn.com for up to date Flipkart Coupons and Deals

Where are you partying this season ?

Images from Google

P.S : Sponsored Post.