Tag Archives: Triphala Powder to increase hair volume

Khadi Trifla Powder Review & How to use for Hair, Triphala Powder,Haircare,Indian Beauty Blog

Khadi Trifla Powder Review & How to use for Hair

Khadi Trifla Powder Review & How to use for Hair

By Nidhal

The most common and irksome hair woe everyone be it a man or a woman faces today is the dreaded 8-lettered word ‘HAIR FALL’. Didn’t it send shivers down your spine? Its roots (no pun intended) find origin in myriad causes ranging from stress to poor/substandard quality of products used, from bombarding oneself with chemical-laden products to diet deficient in proteins. ‘When everything fails, head to Granny dearest’ is the mantra I espouse and live by both metaphorically and literally.

My grandmother’s pearls of wisdom in the realm of hair care have always had one product since times immemorial. No points for guessing ( for you would have already seen what it is thanks to the title of the post), it is TRIFALA POWDER (also called ‘Triphala’). It is a blend of three herbs- Amlaki (Amla), Haritaki (Harar/Hadad) and Bibhitaaki (Bahera/Baheda). And the three together, pack a punch at so many hair woes that you’d be left wondering why on Earth didn’t you use it before.

Trifla Powder is also excellent for people suffering from constipation, acidity and irregular bowel movements. You just need to have one spoon with water whenever you feel bloated or have irregular bowel movement. Do not have it regularly as the body gets used to it.

I grabbed KHADI TRIFALA powder from a Khadi store in Delhi a few months ago. Today is the time for us to know if it deserves a second try or not 🙂

PRICE- Rs 45/- for 200 g

DIRECTIONS FOR USE- Mix Khadi Trifala powder in the base ingredient. Mix well. Apply on scalp and hair. Rinse with cool water.

INGREDIENTS- Amla, Harar and Bahera

WHAT IT CLAIMS- Trifala is good for constipation and acidity. It regulates bowel movement. (This indicates that the product is edible)


Packed in a simple plastic pack, the packaging of Khadi Trifala powder is way too simplistic in fact, underwhelming. Once cut open, the contents need to be transferred to either a clean container or a zipper pouch. Carrying it while travelling is a hassle both ways. As a result, I think it would be better if Khadi revisits its packaging decision for the current one for this product is disappointing.

Khadi Trifala powder is finely powdered and that makes it a cakewalk to mix it with the base ingredient of one’s choice be it curd, water, raw milk or anything that suits one’s hair type. Since my hair type is dry, I team it up with coconut milk. I suffer from one hair woe and that is why I opt for coconut milk because of its intensely hydrating properties.

I have used the above concoction for a month consistently without fail twice a week and what I noted was an improvement in my mane’s volume, strength and frizz control. It softened and imparted shine/lustre too but that wasn’t as praiseworthy as some of the herbal powders I had used in the past such as-hibiscus powder. It is important, I believe to be realistic. One product cannot be a Hindi film hero who’d bash all the goons to pulp, mouth one-liners that’ll make the audience whistle in awe, rescue his leading lady and basically do everything 😛

This product is no different. When used consistently over a period of time with the right base ingredient, it works wonders in some spheres (say-volume increase, strength, frizz control) but doesn’t perform as well as expected in some (shine and softness). Perhaps, addition of a few more ingredients to the above mix help me achieve my ‘unachieved goals’. All in all, it is a good investment keeping the price and its benefits in mind. Go grab a few packets to treat your mane naturally!


1. Dirt-cheap

2. A single pack will last long. Each pack contains 200 g of Trifala powder which is sufficient to last long.

3. Finely powdered hence, mixing with any base ingredient is cushy.

4. Gives complete volition to the user to mix with whichever base ingredient one wants to say- milk, curd, water, etc.

5. Strengthens hair overtime

6. Removal is easy

7. Other ingredients can be added to the Trifala+ base ingredient mix such as- Reetha powder, shikakai powder, tulsi powder, etc.

8. Makes one’s tresses voluminous

9. Suitable for use by all

10. Natural. No chemicals pumped into it hence, a safe solution to combat hair woes.


1. Limited availability. It isn’t easily available online. The only option currently is to visit a Khadi store and grab it.

2. Does not impart as much shine as is expected from Trifala powder (Amla imparts shine)

3. Packaging needs to be improved. The provision of a zipper pack will be better.

4. Does not soften hair much. I have used some herbal powders before and this powder does not soften my tresses as much as those did. That said, it does not even dry my hair too.


Editor’s Note: Trifla is fabulous, I have had it often as a part of capsules if I suffer from irregular bowel movement. But I have not used it directly as a mask, though a part of hair masks in general. I would surely give this a try Nidhal.

Have you tried using Trifla powder for your hair?