Tag Archives: Water

4 Ways to Get Better Skin at Home

4 Ways to Get Better Skin at Home

4 Ways to Get Better Skin at Home

Guest Post

Some people are plagued with bad skin their entire lives. For most of these, genetics and environmental factors play big roles. But so to lifestyle and controllable behaviors. Speaking as someone who grew up with bad skin, I’ve had to learn a lot of these lessons the hard way. Now as an adult, I’m finally enjoying the skin I wish I always had. If I had learned these lessons earlier, my acne-covered teenage years and eczema-ridden 20’s might have been much, much happier. Because these techniques have worked out so well for me, I’m going to share them with you here.

1) Use Coconut Oil.

Coconut oil has enjoyed a tremendous amount of press in the past few years. But it has earned every bit of it. I use coconut oil for a lot of stuff. It’s a great replacement for butter or other oils when baking or frying. It can be used as a condiment. It is possible to clean with it (or so I’m told). People will tout the excellence of coconut butter in a million ways. But my favorite way to use coconut oil is as an acne mask. It has many of the skin benefits of petroleum jelly, without being made of petroleum. In fact, coconut oil is so natural a product that your skin just soaks it up. It’ll stay on the surface for awhile, acting as a shield against your skin when out in cold, dry air, and the other factors that damage your skin on a daily basis. But as it soaks in, the nutritious elements inherent to the fruit will soak into your skin, and you’ll start to derive a lot of benefit from them.

2) Light Therapy and Exercise for Acne.

I found that there’s nothing like light, fresh air, and exercise for acne. There’s just something about being active that seems to regulate the forces that make for healthy skin on my body. And it doesn’t take a long time. We’re talking about 15 minutes of focused activity each day. With that little time and effort commitment, I have been able to see measurable results. For days when it isn’t sunny, or at night when the sun is out, I like to use this mask product available from Modern Bathroom. Combined with the regimen mentioned above, you’ll get better skin with just a little bit of work.

3) Drinking a Lot of Water.

For much of my life, I was dehydrated and didn’t even know it. It makes sense. I drink a lot of coffee, and some days I’ll have a drink or two with my friends. These habits, combined with an active lifestyle and…well…just breathing, causes you to lose a lot of moisture into the air. This process of dehydration is very damaging to your skin, which relies on water to be healthy and robust.

4) Sun Protection.

Other than my 15 minutes of exercise and sunshine, I avoid direct sun exposure. It’s pretty easy for me, because I work inside. But for other people who are outside a lot, it is imperative that you practice sun protection all the time. It is as simple as getting a high quality sun lotion and applying it every morning before you head outdoors. If you are out for more than 4 hours, take your tube along and reapply. If you do this every day, not only will your skin be more healthy, but you’ll also have a lot lower chance of developing skin cancer later in life.

With just these techniques, you’ll quickly see a change in your skin for the better. Many of us grew up with bad skin, but the skin we have in the future is, at least in part, our choice. Do the work today by being smart about sun exposure and using an acne mask, and your skin and future self, will thank you.

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