Tag Archives: Yoga

Top 7 Yoga Asanas for Healthy Hair, Yoga for Hair, Indian Fitness Blog, Women's Health Blog

Top 7 Yoga Asanas for Healthy Hair

Top 7 Yoga Asanas for Healthy Hair

By Nidhal

A healthy mane which is lustrous, glossy, satin smooth and manageable is what we all eye. Quite naturally, we look for ways to get what we desire. From application of herbal home remedies to intake of supplements, we it all at our disposal but somewhere down the line, physical workout misses out being in the picture and that is where we flunk.

We have already covered the Top Asanas for Glowing Skin.

So, in line with this thought, why not have a look at some Yoga asanas that leave one with cascading locks that we’ve always desired? 🙂 These Yoga asanas enhance hair growth in addition to ameliorating their texture and semblance. Let us check them out.

1. KAPALBHAATI-PRAANAYAAM- A highly soothing and revitalising asana offering a multitude of health benefits, Kapalbhaati-praanayaam literally translates to ‘skull shining’ exercise for it increases the amount of oxygen in the body which imparts glow to one’s skin. It also helps to give one’s scalp all the oxygen it needs to rejuvenate damaged hair and helps it grow. Start with 20 breaths per set a day and increase its frequency as you gain confidence and strength with each day 🙂

2. SARVAANGA-ASANA- An easy asana that helps to purify blood and optimise the functioning of the thyroid gland, Sarvaanga-asana helps to improve the length, thickness, texture and girth of hair. Gorgeous mane, did I hear you say that? Hold the position for 30-45 seconds in each set and gradually increase the duration to 1-1.5 minutes as you acquaint yourself with the asana.

3. SHIRSH-ASANA- Quite challenging and daunting as it may seem, but if mastered, Shirsh-asana is a sure-shot way to ensure long-term health and vitality. Hair loss, greying of hair and baldness are often caused due to poor blood circulation in the scalp. Shirs-asana not only directs enriched blood to the brain, but also sends it to the scalp. The transforming of grey hair into its original colour and good growth of hair is possible through the practice of this headstand pose.

4. PASCHIM-OTTAAN- ASANA- The seated forward bend pose aka Paschim-ottan- asana helps to stimulate kidneys, liver, uterus and enhances blood circulation in the body which further enhances hair growth due to better oxygen intake. It also relieves one off stress, anxiety and a host of minor headache issues.

5. SHASHAANG-ASANA- Also called the “rabbit pose” for it makes one resemble a rabbit’s structure, Shashaan-asana is what you need to incorporate in your daily workout regimen if flaunting shiny and lustrous tresses is on your “To Do” list. Performing this asana daily for 15 minutes (30 seconds for each set) will improve blood flow to your scalp, thereby bringing more oxygen to it and leaving you with glossy locks in no time, however, the key is to be patient and persistent no matter what 🙂

6. VAJRA-ASANA- Widely known as the ‘diamond pose’, Vajrasana enhances the supply of energy and blood to the upper part of our body. Besides accelerating the rate of hair growth, it also helps in correcting ones back posture.

7. ADHO-MUKH- ASANA- Not only does Adho-mukh- asana acts as a major stress buster, it even helps in stimulating the flow of blood to the head, and thereby accelerating hair re-growth. One set should last for roughly 30-40 seconds. Begin with 5 sets a day and increase its frequency as you get accustomed to it 🙂

Image Source: 1,2,3,4,5

Editor’s Note: This is a fabulous post Nidhal. I am surely going to try some, we all need a little yoga and flexibility in life.

Do you do yoga and/or any of these asanas already?

Top 5 Yoga Asanas To Get Glowing Skin

Top 5 Yoga Asanas To Get Glowing Skin

By Nidhal

Apart from following a nutritious diet and timely application of herbal packs/masks, there is one more step, which if performed, will complete the entire regimen for getting healthy, radiant and gorgeous skin. It is none other than physical workout. Oh no, do not cower in fear or snap back while giving up. You might be wary of hitting the gym or enrolling in a strenuous workout regimen for a multitude of reasons be it-paucity of time, physical/financial constraints or plain lethargy but that shouldn’t deter you from enjoying the bounties of what physical workout can do to your skin 🙂

All you need is time, patience, grit and a mat. You’re done. How? Take a minute and think what is the West adopting to bring peace of mind while battling the hustle and bustle of their daily lives? Couldn’t surmise? Here you go with one more clue- It originated in India. Got the answer? It’s none other than Y-O- G-A.

Our ancient science of Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that has been prevalent in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism for centuries. So, why practice Yoga and simple, doable asanas at that initially so that we aren’t daunted as we take our first step? On that note, let us have a look at the TOP 5 YOGA ASANAS TO GET GLOWING SKIN 🙂


1. TADA-ASANA- This asana works on one’s muscles so that one’s posture is not only better, but also pain-free while one is at their sedentary desk job. As indicated in the picture, if followed carefully and regularly, Tada-asana helps in improving one’s overall body posture, strengthens thighs and buttocks and improves skin’s texture. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds each time you do it. Avoid it you have high blood pressure, suffer from insomnia, or have a low blood pressure.


2. UKTA-ASANA- All you have to do is sit on a chair. Easy? Ummm… not really. The chair is hypothetical. That’s it. Make sure your spine is perfectly straight else things go in for a toss. Avoid it if you have a low blood pressure, arthritis, insomnia, chronic knee ache or any issue with your ankle. Hold for 30 seconds each time you do it and then, relax. Begin with 5 sets daily and then, increase its frequency depending on your ease 🙂 It helps to strengthen spine, hips, torso, chest and legs besides toning your muscles in the legs. As a result, the skin look taut and youthful.


3. HALA-ASANA- A little challenging but highly advantageous and relaxing (at least I find it so when I do it)if mastered, Hala-asana should be performed after your body has been acquainted with regular physical stretches. It helps to improve the digestive organs, and therefore, improves digestion and regulates appetite. It helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and stimulates the reproductive system. It also brings blood to one’s face thereby increasing oxygen intake thus, imparting radiance. Hold for 30-60 seconds in each set. Avoid it if you are menstruating, have a low blood pressure or any injury in your spine/neck.


4. MATSYA-ASANA- Also known as the ‘fish pose’, Matsya-asana helps in relieving respiratory problems as it encourages the right kind of breathing. Moreover, it gives the hip flexors and the muscles between the ribs a good stretch. It enables the throat and the digestive organs get a good massage, which rids one off a double chin thus, improving one’s semblance 🙂 Hold on for 30-40 seconds in each set and avoid it if you have high or low blood pressure, suffer from insomnia or have a back injury.


5. SHIRSH-ASANA- Unarguably, the most challenging asana of all, Shirsh-asana results in blood gushing down to one’s face thereby, increasing oxygen intake and imparting a prepossessing glow. However, please perform this asana under the guidance of a Yoga practitioner after you’ve acclimatised your body to stretches and are able to balance really well. It is small wonder that pimples and wrinkles are often caused by inadequate removal of waste materials and insufficient nourishment from the blood. Shirsh-asana directs an oxygen rich flow of blood to the facial skin thereby improving the facial complexion 🙂 Avoid it if you have back ache, neck injury, low blood pressure or a shoulder injury.

Image Sources: 1,2,3,4,5

Editor’s Note: That’s a nice post Nidhal, I will try some 😀

Do you practice yoga? Tried any of these asanas?